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dc.contributor.authorEfendi, Ahmad Habiby
dc.description.abstractThe general objective pursued in this research is to investigate student’s motivation in reading comprehension students at first semester at University Islam of Malang. Reading is one of the language skills in language learning. This is a skill that is very important to teach to students because it can help them to expand their knowledge. Motivation is a big role in reading skills. Motivation can help the student to improve their desire to read. The study uses descriptive qualitative in analyzing a content of the research. The data was collected by conducting a questionnaire and interview towards 20 students at first semester at University Islam of Malang. The researcher used questionnaire and interview to display the amount of the students who were motivated towards their reading comprehension by certain factors, especially in intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. The result indicated that English Foreigner Language student’s motivation was influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic factors towards reading comprehension. There are so many points discussed in this research such as the domains in the questionnaire. This study may help the researcher comprehend more clearly how to motivate their students in reading comprehension. Finally, it can be concluded that student’s motivation has a big role in reading. It can improve their reading comprehension towards the text. Give positive reinforcement and praise to be motivated can help students’ problems in reading skill. Suggestions for future researchers who would use this topic can use the quantitative method in an experimental form so that the level of efficiency can be compared. Keywords: Motivation, Reading, Reading Comprehensionen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectReading Comprehensionen_US
dc.titleThe Investigation of EFL Student’s Motivation in Reading Comprehensionen_US

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