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dc.contributor.authorIlmiyah, Afdilatul
dc.description.abstractThe kid's world is playing,activities are the children's natural activities, playing is also instrumental inearly childhood development because by playingchildren feel excited, Learn new things, build creativity to the fullest,and can stimulatevarious aspects of development. Researchers find learning factsThat some language proficiency isespecially in understanding the early literacy is quite low, Because it often uses LKA cause passive children, teachers can not attract attention Child's interest in learning, and the element of playing in learning the least so the kid bored quickly,Based on it Researchers useDice Gameaims to improvevarious aspects of development. But researchers focus only on one aspect of development language aspect. With Game dice letters children are able to recognize the sound of alphabet which has been arranged according to the picture card. Using the gameThen student language skills Group B RA Al-Fattah experience increasedWhere at the beginning of the pre observation cycle reaches 0%, However, after implemented class action research practice using the first character dice game experienced an increase 26,3%, and experienced improvements in the study of the 89,5% that have reached the indicator prescribed by researchers.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectPendidikan Anak Usia Dinien_US
dc.subjectBermain Dadu Hurufen_US
dc.subjectKemampuan Mengenal Bahasaen_US
dc.titlePenerapan Permainan Dadu Huruf untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengenal Bahasa Anak Kelompok B di RA Al-Fattah Karangduren Pakisaji Malangen_US

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