Studi Siklus Hidup Sycanus sp. (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) pada Cassia cobanensis (Fabales : Fabaceae)

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Show simple item record Tito, Sama' 2021-10-12T06:46:08Z 2021-10-12T06:46:08Z 2020-12-08
dc.description [ARCHIVES] Copyright Article from : Open Conference System Uiversitas Islam Malang, en_US
dc.description.abstract Sycanus sp. are important predators of palm leaf-eating caterpillars (PLEC) such as bagworms (Mahasena corbetti, Metisa plana, and Pteroma pendula) as well as fire worms (Darna trima, Setora nitens, Setothosea asigna, Plonela diducta). In his life Sycanus need a shelter. From preliminary studies, it was found that Cassia cobanensis was the plant most frequently visited by sycanus. The purpose of this study was to determine the sycanus life cycle of cassia cobanensis. The method used in this study was started by obtaining male and female imago in the field then paired and placed on the gex which was given palm leaves as a place to lay eggs. Then the nursery was carried out in a tube containing Cassia cobanensis. The results showed that mating took 50.37 minutes, the time required to lay eggs after mating was 10.29 days, females could lay eggs 2 times during life and could lay eggs anywhere. Cannibalism can occur in both an abundance and lack of food. Sycanus undergoes molting 5 times before becoming an imago. Egg stage lasts for 21.89 days, while instar nymph stage I, II, III, IV, V lasts for consecutive; 14.06 14.13; 14.25; 21,, 01; and 40.57 days. Sycanus sp. has a fairly long life cycle of about 123 days from egg to imago. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher Open Conference System Uiversitas Islam Malang en_US
dc.subject Cassia cobanensis, Life cycle, Sycanus en_US
dc.title Studi Siklus Hidup Sycanus sp. (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) pada Cassia cobanensis (Fabales : Fabaceae) en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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  • LP - Biology [108]
    Publikasi Ilmiah Dosen Program Studi Biologi

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