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dc.contributor.authorTito, Sama'
dc.contributor.authorYanuwiadi, Bagyo
dc.contributor.authorSulistya, Chomsin
dc.description[ARCHIVES] Copyright Article from : Jurnal Pembangunan dan Alam Lestari,
dc.description.abstractTikus sawah merupakan hama utama dan penyebab kerugian terbesar pada tanaman padi di Indonesia. Cara pengendalian hama yang ada sampai saat ini belum sepenuhnya dapat mengatasi masalah hama tikus. Oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian untuk mendapatkan teknologi pengendalian yang efektif dan mudah dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan gelombang ultrasonik jangkrik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gelombang ultrasonik jangkrik terhadap pola perilaku makan pasif dan gerak pasif tikus. Gelombang ultrasonik jangkrik dipaparkan langsung terhadap tikus sawah dan diamati melalui pola perilaku makan pasif dan gerak pasif yang ditunjukkan oleh tikus sawah. Data hasil pengamatan pola perilaku makan pasif dan gerak pasif tikus dianalisis dengan analisis variansi rancangan faktorial. Faktor yang diamati meliputi frekuensi, jarak sumber, dan lama pemaparan gelombang ultrasonik jangkrik serta kombinasinya. Frekuensi gelombang ultrasonik jangkrik pada jarak 100 cm dan lama pemaparan 45-60 menit dapat menimbulkan perubahan pola perilaku makan pasif dan gerak pasif tikus. Perubahan tersebut terjadi akibat efek termal, efek kavitasi dan efek mekanik yang terjadi pada struktur jaringan sel tikus. Over the last decade, paddy field rat cases in Indonesia still become problem cultivation rice plant. The control method be present now is not yet get exceed rat wet rice pest. Because that, need straight away research for get technology control that effective and easy to applicate. The control rat wet rice pest with cricket ultrasonic waves we hope that can become alternative that problem solving. The aim from this research is for knowing the influence of cricket ultrasonic waves toward the passive feeding and passive motion rat wet rice field. Cricket ultrasonic waves direct flat to rat rice pest. The data on the observation of response and change of behavior patterns that covered the patterns of passive movement and of passive feeding of rat wet rice field brought about by ultrasonic wave disturbances were analyzed and employed to determine which parameter were the most dominant among variations exposure distance and exposure time of the ultrasonic waves. The result of research gave significant differences (P<0.05) of the effect of ultrasonic wave frequency, source distance and exposure time. At cricket frequency, it already gave effective impact toward behavior patterns that covered the patterns of passive feeding and passive movement of the migratory locusts. At this cricket frequency, with exposure time of 45 to 60 minute at 100 cm distance it has already effective impact toward the behavior patterns of rat wet rice field compared to the change of source distance longer than 100 cm at other time too towards passive feeding and passive motion pattern of rat wet rice field.en_US
dc.publisherJurnal Pembangunan dan Alam Lestarien_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol 1, No 2;72-139
dc.subjectgelombang ultrasonik, jangkrik, tikus sawahen_US
dc.subjectUltrasonic waves, cricket, rat wet rice fielden_US
dc.titlePengaruh Gelombang Ultrasonik Jangkrik (Acheta domesticus) terhadap Pola Perilaku Makan Pasif dan Gerak Pasif Tikus Sawah (Rattus argentiventer)en_US

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