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dc.contributor.authorPurhadi, Lailia Izza Oktavia
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Several internal and external factors affect student academic achievment, namely the PBL learning method, especially in terms of the scenario's quality level and the effectiveness of group discussions. Method: Design descriptive-analytic study with cross sectional . Minimum sample size required in this study at least 490 samples. Bivariate analysis using the Spearman correlation test and the multiple linier regression test. Results: This study has shown that in the spearmen correlation test, the P-value was obtained <0.05. It is proving a correlation between the quality of the scenario and the score of the Academic Achievement. For the effectiveness of the discussion, resulted the block value, namely P-value <0.05, it means that there is a correlation between the effectiveness of the discussion and the score of the Academic Achievement. Subsequently, the multiple linier regression test reveals resulted that the discussion's effectiveness has a significant effect than the quality of the scenario on the score of Academic Achievement with P-value <0.05 Conclusion: There is a correlation between the quality of the scenario and the effectiveness of the discussion on Academic Achievement. The effectiveness of the discussion has a more significant effect than the quality of the scenario on the score of Academic Achievement. Keywords: Academic Achievment, quality of scenarios, effectiveness of tutorial discussionen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectPrestasi Akademiken_US
dc.subjectKualitas Skenarioen_US
dc.subjectKeefektifan Diskusien_US
dc.titleKorelasi Kualitas Skenario dan Keefektifan Diskusi terhadap Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Universitas Islam Malangen_US

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