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dc.contributor.authorSetiawan, Siget Andri
dc.description.abstractThis study is aimed to to develop smartphone application which provide exercise material for listening especially for English proficiency test. This product is expected to be able to aid students in practicing listening and motivate them to get better score in English proficiency test especially in listening section. The feasible access, interesting features and engaging user interface are the factor to let the students enjoy the listening practice in this application. The development model used in this development research is the ADDIE development model. ADDIE model consists of five stages, namely (1) analysis (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation and (5) evaluation. The ADDIE model is a systematic learning model. The ADDIE model has been transformed since its inception in the 1980s developed by Molenda and Reiser. The application was the result of need analysis that was conducted both in the school and online. After getting the data, the next step was designing and developing the material. The implementation stage was carried out online including the data validation to the practitioners. The last was evaluation stage including the final revision for the product. The final product showed that the researcher successfully provided exercise material for listening especially for English proficiency test. Based on validation and implementation process, it can be concluded that the listening application for the TOEFL® preparation course students of SMA AL IZZAH Batu, had met the eligibility criteria and could be used in the learning process. The listening application was developed and researched up to the feasibility test stage so it still needs to be tested for effectiveness. This is intended so that its effectiveness can be empirically proven in classroom learning. In addition, this application developed only fulfills the need for one of the basic skills or competencies, namely listening. Therefore, the researcher hoped there will be further research to develop this application with different basic skills or competencies Key Words: Listening English, English Proficiency Test, Mobile Applicationen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectListening Englishen_US
dc.subjectEnglish Proficiency Testen_US
dc.subjectMobile Applicationen_US
dc.titleDeveloping Listening Exercise for English Proficiency Test in The Form of Mobile Application for Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Alizzah Batuen_US

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