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dc.contributor.authorAmanda, Felia
dc.description.abstractWhen there is a covid-19 pandemic, all teaching and learning activities are carried out at home due to the ease with which the corona virus spreads from human to other humans. Therefore, teaching and learning activities are carried out online and using E-learning applications. The completeness of E-learning features makes it easier for students and teachers to interact indirectly. In E-learning, teaching and learning activities can be monitored systematically. The E-learning referred to by the researcher in this study is a special E-learning for madrasa schools created by the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs. The purpose of this study was to find out perceptions of the 11th grade students on using E-learning platform of Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs. The research design of this study was descriptive qualitative approach. The researcher was limited to the second year of MA Bilingual Batu which consisted 4 classes with a total 101 students. The researcher used questionnaire and interview as the instruments of this study. The researcher distributed questionnaires to the population within two weeks then the researcher chose 8 students from each class with the category of students with the highest scores and the lowest scores in the class as the subjects of interview. The researcher adopted a questionnaire list question from Mulyani (2020). The questionnaire was calculated using a Likert scale then the final result was a percentage. The results of the interviews were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing. The results of this study were 75 out of 101 students filled out the questionnaire with a percentage of 19.8% XI IPS 1, 20.8% XI IPS 2, 19.8% XI IPA 1, 13.9% XI IPA 2. Almost all the students agreed with the statements given in the questionnaire. The results of the interview stated that students agree that E-learning is an effective learning application and has complete features, but E-learning requires a stable internet network and the application is too heavy for some students' devices that are less supportive. Currently, E-learning from Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs is no longer used at MA Bilingual Batu. In this connection, the researcher hopes to have a good impact and also input for the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs and application developers. For future researchers, it is expected that they will examine the same topic and this research will be used as a reference.   Key Words: Perceptions, E-Learning, Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairsen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectEnglish Language Educationen_US
dc.subjectIndonesian Ministry of Religious Affairsen_US
dc.titlePerceptions of the11th Grade Students of MA Bilingual Batu on Studying Using E-learning Platform of Indonesin Ministry of Religious Affairsen_US

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