University Students’ Perception of The Use of Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic

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Show simple item record Muqoddas, Jauzi 2022-03-25T03:52:46Z 2022-03-25T03:52:46Z 2021-11-15
dc.description.abstract The Covid-19 outbreak has spread throughout Indonesia, which has prompted the minister of education and culture to change learning methods to online learning to prevent the spread of Covid-19 from getting worse. Many parties have to adapt to this change. In its application there are many positive and negative sides encountered. Therefore, the researcher conducted this study to find out how the perceptions, especially students, of using online learning during the covid-19 pandemic. In this research, the researcher used mixed-method research combining quantitative and qualitative research methods. The participants were the sixth semester students at University of Islam Malang consisted of 58 students. To explore the students’ perception of the use of online learning during covid-19 pandemic, an online-based questionnaire and an online-based interview were used as the methods of collecting the data. From the data analysis, the researcher found conclusion of university students’ perception of the use of online learning during covid-19 pandemic as follows: 43% students answered agree there are benefits of media for online learning. 47% answered agree in challenges during online learning and 51% students answered agree in the implementation of online learning. It means students can adapt the online learning system to temporarily replacing conventional learning during Covid-19 pandemic. Even though the student found the difficulties when interacting with the teacher during discussion, it is not giving much trouble. Qualitatively, the finding showed that there were two different perceptions expressed by the students which are positive and negative perception. The positive perception was about the flexibility while conducting online learning, another reason why students enjoy online learning was because it increased their creativity. Some students felt they learned a lot of new things during online learning especially about adapting with new method of learning which was good for future. Moreover, for the negative perception was about the trouble to understanding the material given by lecturers. This is probably because lecturers need to get used to this new way of learning. Then, why do students express negative perceptions because they feel tired. Students can attend more than 3 classes a day which per class can be more than one hour. Keywords: Perception, Online Learning, Covid-19 Pandemic en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Malang en_US
dc.subject English Language Education en_US
dc.subject Perception en_US
dc.subject Online Learning en_US
dc.subject Covid-19 Pandemic en_US
dc.title University Students’ Perception of The Use of Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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