The Student’s perception Toward Teacher’s Style Teaching Reading Comprehension and Reading Ability at the 3rd Semester of English Department UNISMA

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Show simple item record Ikrawansyah 2022-03-26T04:46:31Z 2022-03-26T04:46:31Z 2021-12-22
dc.description.abstract It is wondering to the matter about how students can overcome understanding on their reading comprehension. Since, perception on teachers’ style teaching comprehension as the bridge of students reading ability. Therefore, to build up student’s perception, teachers should have various type of teaching in order to ease student’s understanding and it will correlate to their learning approach for reading which make students successful in their comprehension. The aim of the study to find out students’ perception toward teachers’ style teaching comprehension and reading ability at the 3rd semester of English Education Department Unisma. This research used qualitative method it means that the researcher collected and analyzed the data statistically from the questionnaire of student’s perception on the teachers teaching reading comprehension and reading ability. The researcher give the questionnaire to be filled by the participant, and the researcher would collect the scores of reading final test from their reading lecturer. To find out the correlation between students’ perception on the teachers teaching reading comprehension and reading ability, the researcher used the correlation formula by Pearson Product Moment Correlation Formula Test. The researcher used IBM SPSS 20 to make easy in calculating the correlation. The final analysists using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The two tailed was used based on the hypothesis from this research was “There was a significant correlation between students; perception on the teachers teaching reading comprehension and reading ability”. The result of IB< SPSS showed that the mean of final score in reading course was 99.35 with standard deviation 10.123. The mean score of students’ perception was 98.35 with standard deviation 10.360. Students’ perception and reading ability was at.930 with P value was at .000. Therefore, the level of significance indicates that the P values was less than 0,05 or 0.000 < 0.05 As the final result, the researcher believes that there is significant correlation between student’s perception on the teachers teaching reading comprehension and reading ability. So that as stated on the H1: There is significant correlation between students’ perception on the teachers teaching reading comprehension and reading ability. Gaps can be filled for further researcher might be the technical lacks to apply the whole theories for instance adding more samples and composing the proper test that should have been tested to more participants. Keyword: Perception, Reading Comprehension, Reading Ability en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Malang en_US
dc.subject English Language Education en_US
dc.subject Perception en_US
dc.subject Reading Comprehension en_US
dc.subject Reading Ability en_US
dc.title The Student’s perception Toward Teacher’s Style Teaching Reading Comprehension and Reading Ability at the 3rd Semester of English Department UNISMA en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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