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dc.contributor.authorPutri, Rucitra Sectio Prasetya
dc.description.abstractIt is widely accepted that in the teaching and learning process, books play an important role. Books provide guides or roadmaps for students that offer the expected behaviors they should do.Because a variety of textbooks are available, teachers must determine books that suit the needs of students. Besides, there are many English books available out there, choosing the most suitable one is a problem. This study aims to: (1) examine textbooks for grade VIII SMP students that are used appropriately, (2) to check in what ways the English textbooks used by grade VIII SMP students are appropriate, (3) to find out the books The text used by grade VIII students of SMP SMP meets the criteria of a good textbook suggested by BSNP. This research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The instrument used to collect data was observation in the form of a checklist. Checklists are made from the BSNP framework (2011) for textbook evaluation. In data analysis techniques, the percentage of criteria fulfillment is calculated by dividing the total criteria fulfilled in the textbook for each sub-aspect by the total criteria for each sub-aspect. Then multiply by 100%. The results of this study indicate that from all aspects of the average, When English Rings Bell for class VIII is appropriate for the teaching and learning process. This book achieves the fulfillment of the material relevance of the curriculum (83%), presentation techniques (100%), language feasibility (83%), material accuracy (83%), and learning techniques (100%). Two other sub-aspects have not been categorized as feasible, namely learning support material (50%) and presentation completeness (55%) as long as they are still categorized as “adequate”. Then, in general the textbook is considered a "medium" book category because the average compliance score is 79% meaning the textbook should be improved. Thus, the conclusion is that textbooks are still feasible to use in order to assist the teaching and learning process in class with the help of other sources. Keywords: Content Analysis, Textbooks, Evaluationen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectEnglish Language Educationen_US
dc.subjectContent Analysisen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of Junior High School Students Work Sheet of SMP Al – Hidayah Malangen_US

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