dc.description.abstract | During the current Covid-19 pandemic, where all campus activities are carried out online, including online thesis supervision, the researchers decided to elaborate on student perceptions of the online thesis supervision process for students majoring in English Education at the University of Islam Malang. From the background of this research, the researcher formulated a problem, namely about student perceptions of the online thesis guidance process and the purpose of this study was to elaborate students’ perceptions of the online thesis guidance process during the Covid-19 pandemic in the final semester students of the University of Islam Malang.
To achieve the above objectives, researcher used qualitative descriptive research. Data collection procedures were carried out using questionnaires and interviews. To obtain students’ perception questionnaire data, the questionnaire was given to all students online using Google Forms. After the participants filled out all the questionnaires, the researcher interviewed four selected students with two interviews and the duration of the interview was 30 minutes with the aim of exploring their perceptions of online thesis supervision. In the data analysis section, the researcher analyzed the data results using quantitative and qualitative techniques. For quantitative data, the researcher used a student perception questionnaire from Mushoriwa (2014). Student perceptions consist of two types of expressions, namely positive and negative. Periodic handling of qualitative data is carried out based on the comprehensive analysis method by Miles and Huberman (1994). It contains three parallel streams: data reduction, data display, and conclusion.
In this study, students' perceptions of online thesis guidance showed that students' perceptions were more dominant towards positive perceptions such as supervisors providing useful input and helping students in advancing their thesis so that they were able to complete it faster and be more focused when compiling a thesis. The supervisor is also open to consulting and deciding on the relevant literature section to be included in the thesis and students have no trouble identifying the research subject. Based on the results of the interviews, it is said that participants have positive and negative perceptions of online thesis guidance. The positive perception is that students can save costs because they don't need to print out, time is more flexible without the need to make an appointment with a supervisor, fewer revisions than face-to-face, getting approval faster, and can prevent transmission. While negative responses from supervisors are taking a long time and comments from supervisors are not understood by students. Things that need to be considered as suggestions are how in the future to add samples in data collection such as adding lecturers as participants so that it is clearer from student perceptions and lecturers' perceptions.
Keywords: Online Thesis Supervision, Preception, EFL Students’, Undergraduate | en_US |