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dc.contributor.authorIstigfaroh, Zuan
dc.description.abstractSpeaking is an interaction process that involves process of giving and receiving information. Many aspects also can impact speaking skill one of them is human personality. There are two type of human personality. They are introvert and extrovert. Students who are extrovert. They able to speak English confidently in public, while introvert students will be shy when they are asked to speak English. Through knowing the personality, students can look for and find the right method to improve their speaking ability. This study was an attempt to discover about the extrovert and introvert students’ speaking skill in eleventh grade at State Vocational High School Kabuh. The participants were from P, Q, and R class. The samples of this research were 63 students. The design of the research was comparative analysis design. The data were obtained through questionnaire of personality whether the students are introvert or extrovert after that the researcher given speaking test for students. To analyze the data’s of questionnaire of extrovert and introvert students and speaking score. SPSS 20 were used. According the finding of this analysis, there were 50 introvert students and 13 extrovert students. The mean of extrovert students speaking skill is 72.6 while the mean of introvert students speaking skill is 75.2. To measure students’ speaking ability, the researcher needs to interpret the output in the “Independent T-test”. Based on the output, it was known that the significant value Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances is 0.984 > 0.00 so it can be analyze that the variant data of extrovert and introvert is homogeny or same. While, the significant value (2-tailed) it is 0.175 > 0.05. Therefore Ho (Zero Hypothesis) was accepted and Ha (Alternative Hypothesis) was rejected. The results showed that there is no significant difference between extrovert and introvert students on their speaking ability. In this research, human personality as the aspect of speaking is not give big impact to students so that students have to repaire and improve the other aspects of speaking such as adding vocabulary, learn how to listen some word and etc. Based on the findings, for the next researchers, they have to get more participants and make this study more specific or they are able to add some aspects in speaking to do the research. Keywords: Introvert, Extrovert, Speaking Skillen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectEnglish Language Educationen_US
dc.subjectSpeaking Skillen_US
dc.titleA Comparative Study Between Extrovert And Introvert Students on Their Speaking Skill In the Eleventh Grade at SMKN KABUHen_US

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