University Students’ Perception on English Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic

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Show simple item record Hasanah, Ulfatun 2022-10-20T02:37:41Z 2022-10-20T02:37:41Z 2022-07-19
dc.description.abstract This research presents the university students’ perception on English online learning during covid-19 pandemic. Online learning is a learning method carried out by all educational institutions during Covid-19 pandemic aims to break the chain of spread of Covid-19. English language subjects at the time of online learning other than provides many conveniences, there are also many obstacles faced by students. It is causing various students’ perception. This study aims to investigate the university students’ perception on English online learning and students’ obstacles faced on English online learning during Covid-19 pandemic. In this study, the researcher used qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative design. The participants of this research were 30 students of second semester of non- English Department of University Islam Malang. The participants were chosen randomly. To explore the university students’ perception on English online learning, an online-based questionnaire and an offline-based interview were used as the methods of collecting the data. The instruments used in this research were questionnaire and semi-structured interview which was adapted from (Harisma & Agustin, 2021) and (Erlina Sulistiyawati, 2020). The questionnaire used in this research was using Likert Scale, hence the data was analyzed by using theory derived from Sugiono (2016). The findings showed that there were some of the students who faced a problem due to they cannot understand the material during online learning, unstable internet networks, and expensive internet quota prices. Not only that, the students feel that they less motivated in learning English during online learning due several factors. However, the participants also showed the positive perception in term of the lecturer’s role in opening and answering questions, materials delivery, and motivation to do assignment. The constrains faced during online learning are unstable internet networks, expensive internet quota prices, students’ lack of understanding material, and the lack of seriousness of students in learning during online learning. All in all, the students have a negative perception on English online learning during Covid-19 pandemic. Keywords: Students’ Perception, Online Learning en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Malang en_US
dc.subject Teacher Training and Education en_US
dc.subject English Education en_US
dc.subject Students’ Perception en_US
dc.subject Online Learning en_US
dc.title University Students’ Perception on English Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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