An Analysis of Students’ Reading Comprehension Based on Their Learning Style at The Fourth Semester of UNISMA

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Show simple item record Adawiyah, Risa Lailatul 2022-11-05T02:09:32Z 2022-11-05T02:09:32Z 2022-08-11
dc.description.abstract In fact, Reading comprehension is such a complex skill for several students for some reasons. It might happen because of having lack of vocabulary, difficulty in comprehending the text, and tend to lose their concentration while reading. Surely, every student has their own learning style that will ease them to comperhend a text during reading comprehension process. Due to this fact, the researcher decided to do a qualitative research to know the students’ learning style during reading comprehension by having 1 research problem “what learning style do the reading high achievers of fourth semester of UNISMA utilize to comprehend the text?”. To cover up this matter, the researcher selected English departement students who achieve grade A (high reading achiever) by accumulating their reading score during 4 semesters. As a result, there are 20 participants of high reading achievers. Furthermore, the data collection was conducted virtually through google drive link of likert questionnaire to find out students’ VAK Learning Style during reading process using VAK Likert Scale Questionnaire adopted from O’Brien (1985). . The first reseach finding show that mostly high reading achievers are visual learners with 55% dominated while the rest of the participants are kinaesthetic learners 35% and auditory learners 10%. This finding implicates that, the high reading achiever gain high score for their reading comprehension since they implement some characteristics of being visual learners such as re-writing notes, focusing on visual objects, staying focused in a quiet place, using flashcards, coding, numbers, and other symbols to recall something. From those findings can be concluded that, higher reading achivers are mostly visual learners indicate good readers; this finding may be affected by the students’ online learning during the pandemic that they often got literacy assignments by searching for reading references on Google. Additionally, knowing the learning style of high reading achievers can produce a lot of benefits for the education stakeholders to improve the English learners’ reading skill achievement. Keywords: Reading Comprehension and Learning Style en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Malang en_US
dc.subject Teacher Training and Education en_US
dc.subject English Education en_US
dc.subject Reading Comprehension en_US
dc.subject Learning Style en_US
dc.title An Analysis of Students’ Reading Comprehension Based on Their Learning Style at The Fourth Semester of UNISMA en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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