The Analisis of Speaking English Difficulties on Second Grade Junior High School Students

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Show simple item record Rahmawati, Iis 2023-01-21T03:11:43Z 2023-01-21T03:11:43Z 2022-10-26
dc.description.abstract English is a language that used by many countries. English is an international language that various countries used to communicate with. In order to connect and understand each other, people must have good speaking ability. For students, who want bright future in job, get foreign friends, or visit any countries speaking English is the most important then any skills. Mastering in speaking English must have problems or difficulties in learning proses. The research was about to know the difficulties that faced by students in speaking English. This researcher focuses on the case of speaking in English. Aims to find out the difficulties faced in speaking skills by students at SMP Islam Ma'arif 03 Malang. The research design used in this study is descriptive qualitative. The instruments used are observation, interviews and documentation. Participants or subjects in this study were second grade students as many as 14 students and a teacher. The results of the research through the stages that have been carried out there are several student difficulties. These difficulties include incorrect pronunciation, poor in grammar, hard in fluency, lack of vocabulary and the last is high anxiety Based on the findings and results of the discussion, the researchers concluded in depth the difficulties that are often experienced by students. And the most common and general outline related to students' English speaking difficulties is pronunciation. Simultaneously, students convey several matches, including poor pronunciation which makes it difficult to understand, often forgets how to read and does not practice speaking. Key words: English, Students, Difficulties In Speaking en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Malang en_US
dc.subject Teacher Training and Education en_US
dc.subject English Education en_US
dc.subject English en_US
dc.subject Students en_US
dc.subject Difficulties In Speaking en_US
dc.title The Analisis of Speaking English Difficulties on Second Grade Junior High School Students en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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