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dc.contributor.authorLestari, Eka Pinanda
dc.description.abstractSpeaking has become a crucial skill that the educational system needs to emphasize in order for students to share ideas, pool information, and learn more about language. Gaining speaking proficiency is necessary for effective communication. every learner needs strong speaking abilities to interact with other foreign students because many second or foreign-language learners prioritize developing their English-speaking abilities. Speaking remains the hardest skill for the majority of English learners to master, and they are still incapable of communicating orally in English. Students often encounter many challenges when learning English for the first time, including being discouraged from speaking up in class because they are worried about making mistakes, fear of being teased by other students, and fear being criticized by the teacher. To avoid that situation, students choose to be passive in class. lack of confidence, shyness, anxiety, and lack of motivation are the problems in speaking English practice. In conducting this research, the researcher used a quantitative correlation method. The second semester English department students' speaking achievements and self-confidence were compared using the design to see if there was a relationship. The researcher used the self-confidence Questionnaire and students speaking score to measure the relationship between those two variables. According to the correlational results, , the mean speaking score on the final exam test was 83.07, with a standard deviation of 5.294, and the mean student self-confidence score was 63.96. N=57 students were used in the study. Then it was discovered that the r-observed value for student self-confidence was.247 and the P-value for the level of significance presented by Sig. (2-tailed) was.064, which meant that the P value was greater than 0.05. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (H1) rejected, and the null hypothesis (Ho) was accepted, leading to the conclusion that there was no relationship between students' self-confidence and their speaking Achievement. In sum, self-confidence cannot be used to predict the students’ speaking achievement in some situations. self-confidence is not the only aspect that effecting speaking achievement. Because not just having high self-confidence can get good value in their speaking process, but maybe it because another factor that can make students have good value in their speaking process. this research will serve as a model for other researchers who wish to carry out similar research in the future. Keywords: Correlation, Self-confidence, Speaking Achievementen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectTeacher Training and Educationen_US
dc.subjectEnglish Language Educationen_US
dc.subjectSpeaking Achievementen_US
dc.titleThe Correlation Between Students’ Self-Confidence and Their Speaking Achievementen_US

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