Students’ Perception of Learning on Speaking Skills During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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Show simple item record Albab, Afizatul 2023-03-07T04:09:53Z 2023-03-07T04:09:53Z 2022-12-24
dc.description.abstract Speaking is one of the four skills of English learning and also becomes the most important skill because it is always used in daily conversation. Speaking is crucial part of second language learning and teaching, it is an art of communications and one of 4 productive skills that must be mastered in learning foreign language. The serious situation problem of the speaking class is the online class, because of the pandemic, the students can’t recognize the mastering procedure. To the online classes students always learn by using zoom meeting. The teacher should give the material from the internet. That is one of the weaknesses of online learning because most students do not recognize on the material and they do not recognize how to speak and just listening what the teacher give an explained. This research aims to know the students’ perception of learning speaking skills during the Covid-19 pandemic based on four aspects of perception, namely attractiveness, effectiveness, relevance and motivation. This research used qualitative as the design. In collecting data, the researcher interviewed in depth 10 students from twelfth grade of Social Science Class at SMAN 5 Malang. The findings of this study showed that based on 4 aspects of perception, namely from the attractiveness aspect, it shows that the highest 5 students have an interest in learning English, especially in speaking skills, while the 5 lowest students have less interest in learning speaking skills due to the lack of material and no interaction between teachers and other students. From the aspect of effectiveness, it shows that the online learning process is not effective in improving their speaking skills, using online media is considered quite effective in learning activities during the pandemic, students choose offline learning because they think it is more effective in learning speaking skills. From the aspect of relevance, it shows that using media during online learning has advantages and disadvantages and to overcome these shortcomings by increasing internet connections. Finally, the motivation aspect, it shows that students are not motivated to learn speaking skills during the pandemic because there are still many shortcomings, such as students tend to be lazy because they are only glued to their cellphones or laptops and there is no interaction with the teacher or with other students. Students think that they will be motivated to learn speaking skills by watching movies, reading books, listening to music and playing games. Keywords: Perception, Online Learning, Speaking Skills en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Malang en_US
dc.subject Teacher Training and Education en_US
dc.subject English Education en_US
dc.subject Perception en_US
dc.subject Online Learning en_US
dc.subject Speaking Skills en_US
dc.title Students’ Perception of Learning on Speaking Skills During The Covid-19 Pandemic en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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