A Study of Malangan Javanese Accents towards Students’ English Pronunciation: Students and Teachers’ Perception

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dc.contributor.author Zahrotunnada, Aprilia
dc.date.accessioned 2023-05-27T01:32:21Z
dc.date.available 2023-05-27T01:32:21Z
dc.date.issued 2023-03-29
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.unisma.ac.id/handle/123456789/7251
dc.description.abstract This study aimed to describe the influences of Malangan Javanese accent in students’ English-speaking skill in terms of pronunciation. The descriptive qualitative approach was used in this study. The population in this study is EFL students of 2018 academic year as well as the lecturers. The researcher interviewed some students and lecturers, then she analyzed the influence of Malangan Javanese accent toward their English-speaking pronunciation. This study conducted and analyzed the research data using pre-observation and observation to choose appropriate participants. To collect the data, this research used triangulation data as the instrument which includes observation, interview, and documentation. Observations in this study were actually carried out in two stages, namely pre-observation and observation. The next step is interview with two students and two lecturers. Then, one of the essential instruments in this research is documentation. The findings of this study indicated that environment was a contributing factor and it influenced the way how the students speak in English. It is because their natural culture, habit, and behaviour of a society. They live with friends, neighborhood, and family who speaks Malangan Javanese. The responses of the interview in this research shows that how the environment takes over the way a person speaks. In the previous research, it was in line with Senowarsito and Sukma (2019) study in <the> [ndǝ], and <then> [nden], the participants loved to add alveolar nasal /n/ to the initial voiced alveolar plosive consonant /d/. It was caused by the Javanese habitual of adding /n/ to 'demok' [ndǝ.mɔk] or 'delok' [ndǝ.lɔk]. The result of reading aloud of short story showed that students mispronounced consonants five vowel, for example, when the students pronounce the word / ð/ ( ðer in English ; der in Javanese with more heavy accent ), /d/ ( ɪˈmiːdiətli ; imidiedli ), /b/ ( əˈbaʊt ; ebot ) , /dʒ/ (ɪnˈdʒɔɪ ; enjoying ), /g/ ( ˈɡriː.nər.i ; grineri). Regarding the findings of this study, this research is conducted to explore deeply about the perception of students and lecturers of Malangan Javanese accent towards English pronunciation. Key Words: Influence, Malangan Javanese Accent, Pronunciation en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Malang en_US
dc.subject Teacher Training and Education en_US
dc.subject English Education en_US
dc.subject Influence en_US
dc.subject Malangan Javanese Accent en_US
dc.subject Pronunciation en_US
dc.title A Study of Malangan Javanese Accents towards Students’ English Pronunciation: Students and Teachers’ Perception en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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