English Speaking Strategies Used by The Higher Speaking Achiever of Pesantren Modern Darul Istiqamah Barabai Kalimantan Selatan

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dc.contributor.author Ridhani, Muhammad Anshar
dc.date.accessioned 2023-10-03T05:35:54Z
dc.date.available 2023-10-03T05:35:54Z
dc.date.issued 2023-07-15
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.unisma.ac.id/handle/123456789/8155
dc.description.abstract This research presents English speaking learning strategies used by the higher speaking achievers of Pesantren Modern Darul Istiqamah Barabai. Oxford (1990) categorized Language Learning Strategies (LLS) into six aspects; cognitive, metacognitive, memory-related, compensatory, affective, and social, in which it represents both in direct and indirect toward learners’ behavior and activities. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach. The subject are the higher speaking achievers of the ninth grade Pondok Pesantren Modern Darul Istiqamah Barabai. The subjects were the recommendation by the teacher (Ustadz) of Pesantren Modern Darul Istiqamah. The instrument used in this research was an adapted questionnaire from SILL questionnaire (Strategy Inventory Language Learning) version 0.7 by Oxford (1989) that is specialized for foreign language learners to examine the language learning strategies applied. The SILL questionnaire consists of 50 questions, and the researcher took 36 questions to find out English speaking strategies used by the higher achievers. The findings showed that the students employed the English speaking strategies that are proposed by Oxford namely: Memory Strategies, Cognitive Strategies, Compensation Strategies, Metacognitive Strategies, Affective Strategies, and Social Strategies. In regard to students’ English speaking strategies used by the higher speaking achievers, the researcher found interesting results towards English speaking strategies used by the higher speaking achievers. Metacognitive and social strategies are strategies that students always use when speaking English, both of which have a percentage above 50%. Metacognitive strategies have 59.3% and the social strategies have 53.3%. In the other hand, memory and affective strategies are the strategies that less often used by the higher speaking achievers of Pesantren Modern Darul Istiqamah of Boys. It can be concluded that the higher speaking achievers of Pesantren Modern Darul Istiqamah used all the strategies namely: Memory Strategies, Cognitive Strategies, Compensation Strategies, Metacognitive Strategies, Affective Strategies, and Social Strategies. Moreover, the students mostly used Metacognitive strategies as they English speaking strategies, and Memory strategies is the less used strategies by students. Future researchers should conduct a detailed study on English speaking learning strategies, particularly at Pesantren Modern. Collecting data through interviews in future research is recommended. Keywords: Language Learning Strategies, English Speaking Strategies, Higher Speaking Achievers, Pesantren Modern. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Malang en_US
dc.subject Language Learning Strategies en_US
dc.subject English Speaking Strategies en_US
dc.subject Pesantren Modern en_US
dc.subject Higher Speaking Achievers en_US
dc.title English Speaking Strategies Used by The Higher Speaking Achiever of Pesantren Modern Darul Istiqamah Barabai Kalimantan Selatan en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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