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dc.contributor.authorPutri, Sherly Ristanti Eka
dc.description.abstractReading is a basic skill that is closely related to other skills such as speaking, listening and writing. Students that are struggling academically do poorly in lessons because they are unable to comprehend the subject being taught in class. The kids may encounter difficulty when studying and teaching in a classroom setting. This contributes to pupils' confusion or ignorance of the subject matter the teacher explains during the learning process. In this context, difficulty refers to a circumstance in which students struggle to comprehend the English text's substance. This study aims to determine students' difficulties and the strategies used to reduce these difficulties in reading comprehension in the tenth grade of SMA Islam Nusantara. The subjects of this research were five students of SMA Islam Nusantara class X whose level of understanding of English was still lacking and a teacher. The aims of this study were: (1) to find out the difficulties faced by tenth grade students of SMA Islam Nusantara when reading comprehension of English texts, and (2) to find out the strategies used by students in reducing difficulties in reading comprehension in tenth grade students of SMA Islam Nusantara. Researcher used descriptive qualitative research and the data was take collected from interviews. Researchers used data collection techniques from Miles and Huberman (1994). The findings obtained from testing research data are as follows: Students' difficulties in understanding reading in the 10th grade of SMA Islam Nusantara. Based on the data and analysis in the previous chapter, the researcher found that students had difficulty mastering vocabulary, had difficulty concentrating, did not pay attention to the teacher, had difficulty reading long texts and pronunciation in reading. In general, the difficulties students face in learning to read are caused by limited vocabulary knowledge and lack of reading experience. Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Reading Difficulties, Reading Comprehension Strategiesen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectReading Comprehensionen_US
dc.subjectReading Difficultiesen_US
dc.subjectReading Comprehension Strategiesen_US
dc.titleAn Analysis of Students’ Strategies for Reducing Reading Comprehension Difficulties in Tenth Grade at SMA Islam Nusantaraen_US

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