Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Animal Food Demand in Indonesia: A Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System Approach 

      Khoiriyah, Nikmatul; Anindita, Ratya; Hanani, Nuhfil; Muhaimin, Abdul Wahib (Ageconsearch, 2020)
      This research aims to analyze the impact of the price change, the income, and the household size on the demand for five commodity groups, i.e. eggs, chicken, beef, fish and powder milk. The data utilized in this study ...
    • Consumption and Beef Price Changes on Demand in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia 

      Nendissa, Doppy Roy; Anindita, Ratya; Khoiriyah, Nikmatul; Sa’diyah, Ana Arifatus (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2021)
      Households consume animal protein after carbohydrate food is fulfilled, moreover animal protein prices are increasing. This study aims to analyze the effect of rising beef prices on demand. The demand system approach ...