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dc.contributor.authorMedi, Vita Loka
dc.description.abstractWriting effectively can be a challenging task for most students, as it demands a multitude of skills beyond grammar and vocabulary. This essay focuses on recount texts, which describe past events in chronological order, featuring elements like parties involved, setting, and time. Recount texts utilize various past tenses, action verbs, adverbs, and linguistic features, requiring students to balance content, organization, vocabulary, language usage, and morphology. Morphology, encompassing word formation and inflection, plays a crucial role in writing, affecting students' ability to switch between tenses. The problems of this study are What are the word formation errors and What the cause of mistakes made by senior high school students in writing recount text is lifted in this skripsi. The researcher chose Senior High School Bunguran Timur, located in East Bunguran, Natuna Regency, Riau Archipelago 29783, as the research setting. The researcher also took 11th-grade Public Senior High School 1 Bunguran Timur students. There are three social studies classes with an average of 34 students. Writing documentation, primarily a written statement, is utilized in this qualitative study to gather data and discuss the result in depth. The study’s final goals were determining students’ word formation errors in writing recount text and the cause of the error at Senior High School Bunguran Timur. After completing data analysis, this study revealed that Misformation is the most frequent error among students, with a total of 17 errors. This number accounts for a significant proportion of 48.57% of the identified errors. Following closely behind, Misordering came in second in terms of error frequency, with 8 detected cases, which constituted 22.86% of the total errors. Next, omission errors came up with 7 errors, equivalent to 20% of the errors. Lastly, addition error recorded 1 error, which reflects the equivalent of 2.86% of the total errors identified. It is intended that English teachers make the most of their opportunity to explain the content, particularly during class, because the time limits during reading lessons sometimes result in relatively brief explanations. Thus, comprehensive descriptions are occasionally required for pupils to comprehend the content.   Keyword: Word Formation, Recount Text, Writing, Morphology, Error Analysisen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectWord Formationen_US
dc.subjectRecount Texten_US
dc.subjectError Analysisen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of Word Formation Errors in Recount Texts Made by Senior High School Studentsen_US

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