The Students’ Perceptions on Learning Grammar through Song Lyric Analysis

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Show simple item record Rahmawati, Laila 2023-11-03T01:34:31Z 2023-11-03T01:34:31Z 2023-08-15
dc.description.abstract In many regions of the world today, grammar is still taught and assessed in this traditional manner. Learning grammar is seen as being more challenging than understanding vocabulary, especially in the context of an EFL. There are situations when learning a specific issue requires explicit instruction. Thus, it is crucial for language learners to master grammar. To overcome difficulties in grammar learning, a teacher needs to have learning innovations or strategies by using song lyric analysis to make English grammar learning easier for students. The aim of this study is to identify the students’ perceptions on their English grammar learning about simple past tense through song lyric analysis and the aspects that make them interested in using this learning medium. This research employed a qualitative approach with a single case study to answer the problem of the study. This study used 34 second grade students from SMA Negeri 9 Malang as the participants. The data were collected through questionnaire and interview which were distributed to the students. The questionnaire was used to know the students who had good and bad responses about song lyric analysis. Interview guide was used after the researcher knew the result from questionnaire and the researcher wanted to obtain accurate and in-depth information from the students. Based on the findings of the research, more than 50% students had positive perceptions about their grammar learning through song lyric analysis. This is evidenced by their positive answers in both questionnaire and interview. On the interview session, they stated that song lyric analysis was not only very fun and could make them enjoy the lesson. This learning medium also helped them to improve their grammar mastery. The students also stated that song lyric analysis could change their perception about English language learning. In the past, they thought that English language learning was very monotonous and boring. As a result from the study, the researcher concluded that songs can be one of the joyful learning media, especially in English grammar learning. Song can have a positive impact on students’ English grammar learning. It can be seen from the findings which showed that songs not only help students to increase their grammar mastery, but songs also can be the medium that make them interested in English language learning. Keywords: Students’ Perception, Song, Learning Media, Grammar, Learning English, Learning Grammar en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Malang en_US
dc.subject Students’ Perception en_US
dc.subject Song en_US
dc.subject Learning Media en_US
dc.subject Grammar en_US
dc.subject Learning English en_US
dc.subject Learning Grammar en_US
dc.title The Students’ Perceptions on Learning Grammar through Song Lyric Analysis en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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