The Use of Practice-Rehearsal Pairs Strategy to Improve English Speaking Ability of The Seventh Graders of Mts Raudlatul Ulum Karangploso

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Show simple item record Damhuri, Ahmad Ari 2024-01-08T01:59:18Z 2024-01-08T01:59:18Z 2023-08-21
dc.description.abstract Speaking is the main language and the students need to master it because it can make the students can communicate easily. Therefore, junior high school students are demanded to be able to master English. One of the aim of the English and learning process in junior high schools is to enable students to use English functionally which is to communicate in spoken with daily life communication. The aim of this study is to describe the ways how Practice- Rehearsal Pairs Strategy improve the speaking ability of the Seventh Graders This study is an example of classroom action research (CAR). This classroom action research is conducted in a cycle model consits of four stages activities namely; planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The research was conducted at MTs Raudlatul Ulum Karangploso, which was located on Jl. Raya Ngijo No.26 Karangploso, Malang East Java. The researcher gave test of speaking skill for the students in order to know fhe result of research. The result shows that concluded that the used of practice rehearsal pairs strategy was successful in increasing students‟ speaking ability, it proved by: 1)Students result of the test on speaking ability by indicators pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and content are 80 above; 2)There was an increase in scores between the preliminary test and test after practice rehearsal pairs strategy implemented. The target from researcher was 80% students pass the minimum scores 80 mentioned in the criteria of success. By applying practice rehearsal pairs the students had motivation because they were active in learned English. It could be concluded that using practice rehearsal pairs as learning strategy could increase students’ speaking ability, this research finally proved that the implementation of practice rehearsal pairs in learning and teaching English at the seventh grade of MTs Raudlatul Ulum Karangploso Malang was successfully. Keyword: Practice-Rehearsal Pairs, Speaking Ability, Classroom Action Research en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Malang en_US
dc.subject Practice-Rehearsal Pairs en_US
dc.subject Speaking Ability en_US
dc.subject Classroom Action Research en_US
dc.title The Use of Practice-Rehearsal Pairs Strategy to Improve English Speaking Ability of The Seventh Graders of Mts Raudlatul Ulum Karangploso en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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