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dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between reading interest and reading comprehension. Meanwhile, the notion of reading is Reading is a sophisticated cognitive process that involves deriving meaning from written items. Which need the majority of the reader's cognitive effort, such as pronouncing words, in order to comprehend ideas or information that the text elaborates on (Brown, 2010; P. 18). It is clear that reading requires more than just seeing at words represented as graphic symbols; it also requires understanding the meaning of each word or line. It implies that reading is a necessary step in understanding and learning from a book. This research was classified as a correlation research, and it was conducted in University of Islam Malang. The subject was 30 fourth semester students of English department. There are two instruments for this research. To test students' reading comprehension and a questionnaire adopted from Hidayatus Sholihah (2015) for reading interest.Furthermore, to test students' reading comprehension, researchers administered reading texts consisting of 20 items multiple choices and questionnaire consisting 20 items. Then, the data is analyzed by using SPSS 2.0. The result of this study showed that rreading interest and students’ rreading ccomprehension positively not correlated each-others with the significant value are, 153, which is higher than 0.05 level. Then, the R-value is, 259, which means those two variables have a low positive correlation because the r value significant at point 0, 20. Based on the result from questionnaire and test there are some students get low reading interest and high level reading comprehension. I hope this research can be used as a reference in future researchers and can develop better with the same goal. Keywords : Reading Interest, Reading Comprehensionen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectReading Interesten_US
dc.subjectReading Comprehensionen_US
dc.titleThe Correlation between Reading Interest and Reading Comprehension at fourth Semester of University of Islam Malangen_US

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