The Analysis of Metacognitive Reading Strategies Employed by Third Semester Stdents in Uniersity of Islam Malang

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Show simple item record Agustia, Ida 2024-05-08T01:39:21Z 2024-05-08T01:39:21Z 2024-11-15
dc.description.abstract The ability to comprehend and understand reading english is a crucial for students. Reading is one of the skills that people learning English as a foreign or second language need to master. Through reading, students can gain a lot of information, improve their knowledge or solve problems. The purpose of the study is to reveal types of metacognitive reading strategies and explain the frequency high level students in reading comprehension of third semester student in University of Islam Malang. The participants of this research were 50 students of thrid semester students of English departement. This study used descriptive qualitative design to analyze the types of metacognitive reading strategies and explain the frequency high level students in reading comprehension. The technique of collecting data were doing interiew and delivering MARSI questionnaire. Based on the result of this research, When reading text in English, some participants had difficulty reading. So, about how they overcome reading difficulties. They will look at previous words or vocabulary to make the task easier and understand the text they read. Some of them said that to get ideas, she looked up certain information while reading so that she could understand the text more easily. Some participants shared that, to get more ideas, they often read other English books or texts with different titles. After reading, students also evaluate and summarize the text. This study aims to identify metacognitive awareness of reading strategies that are often employed by University of Islam Malang third-semester students. According to study findings (SUPP), students use three different reading strategies: the global reading strategy (GLOB), the problem solving strategy (PROB), and the supporting reading strategies. The usage of all three reading techniques (GLOB, PROB, and SUPP) is significant since the overall average of each approach is 3.5 or above. Additionally, the SUPP is 3.55, the PROB is 3.65, and the GLOB means is 3.88. Consequently, it can be claimed that reading strategies are crucial for the reading task in the actual world. Keywords: Metacognitive, Reading Strategies. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Malang en_US
dc.subject Metacognitive en_US
dc.subject Reading Strategies en_US
dc.title The Analysis of Metacognitive Reading Strategies Employed by Third Semester Stdents in Uniersity of Islam Malang en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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