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Title: Indonesian Redesigned Curriculum: Teachers’ Recognition Profiles and Perception of Its Implementation and Impacts
Authors: Werdiningsih, Dyah
Umamah, Atik
Wahyuni, Sri
Keywords: Curriculum
Professional Development
Issue Date: 12-Jan-2022
Publisher: International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU)
Series/Report no.: International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU);Vol. 9, No. 1
Abstract: This research described the teachers’ recognition profiles, perception of the implementation of the Freedom to Learn policy before the launch of the new curriculum, and perception of the impacts of the Indonesian newest curriculum. The data were obtained from the responses of 309 teachers in Malang, Indonesia. The teachers’ recognition profile was derived from the Scopus, ORCID, and Sinta ID. The teachers were assigned to respond to an online survey adopted from the Directorate General of Higher Education. The survey contained 12 questions related to the implementation of freedom to learn before the launch of the newest curriculum, teachers’ involvement and the impacts of the newest curriculum. The data of recognition and perceptions were analysed descriptively, while the influence was analysed statistically using multiple regression. The results of the analysis demonstrate that most of the teachers have an ORCID ID. The vast majority of the teachers perceive that the Freedom to Learn policy is fair in the implementation. Additionally, they think that the newest curriculum provides sufficient to very significant improvement for students’ learning and teacher’s involvement. Only ORCID ID was found to significantly influence teachers’ perception of the Freedom to Learn policy, but it does not provide a significant influence on perceptions of the impacts of the newest curriculum. This research affirms the strong need to socialize the new curriculum to the education stakeholders more comprehensively and intensively. It is also critical to encourage teachers to engage in article writing activities as a form of continuous professional development.
Description: [ARCHIVES] Copyright from: International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU)
Appears in Collections:LP - Indonesian Language Education

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