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Title: Analisis Kualitas Air Berdasarkan Parameter Fisika dan Kimia di Perairan Sungai Patrean Kabupaten Sumenep
Authors: Latuconsina, Husain
Prasetyo, Hamdani Dwi
Alfatihah, Ainayah
Issue Date: Oct-2022
Publisher: AQUACOASMARINE : Journal of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences
Series/Report no.: Volume 1 No. 2;Halaman 76-84
Abstract: The Patrean River is one of the Sumenep rivers whose rivers flow through the Sub Districts of Manding, Batuputih, Dasuk, Gapura Districts, and Kota Sub Districts. In its utilization, the Patrean river is used by the community for agricultural activities, washing or bathing, drainage, and disposal of both organic and anorganic waste. The existence of various anthropogenic activities can provide a burden of pollution on the environment, one of which is decreasing the quality of river water. This study aims to determine the water quality in the waters of the Patrean river, Sumenep Regency. This research was conducted by purposive sampling method, namely water sampling is carried out at three points that have the potential to experience pollution. Data analysis was carried out descriptively in tabular form by comparing it with water quality standards based on Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning the implementation of Environmental Protection and Management. The condition of the water quality of the Patrean river, Sumenep Regency, seen from the results of the measurements, the DO and COD values at station 1 were 2,74 mg/l and 51,2 mg/l, the COD value at station 3 was 48 mg/l which did not meet the water quality standard has been established. Meanwhile, the other parameter values still meet the quality standards. It can be concluded that from upstream to downstream the water quality of the Patrean river has increased in its water quality parameters.
Description: [ARCHIVES] Copyright Article From : AQUACOASMARINE : Journal of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences
URI: DOI:10.32734/jafs.v1i2.9174
ISSN: 2829-1751
Appears in Collections:LP - Biology

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