Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1305-1324 of 9800
Call Integration in English Language Teaching (ELT) Into Offline and Online Classes
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2022-08-18)Technology becomes an inseparable part of our lives. Although the concept of using it in teaching English is not something new, the ongoing technology and the changing needs of learners encourage all the academics to adapt ... -
Campur Kode dalam Interaksi Kelas di SD Negeri Jatimulyo 5 Malang
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2021-07-09)Saat ini, dilingkungan sekitar kita sebagian besar masyarakatnya tergolong dalam dwibahasawan. Seseorang dikatakan dwibahasawan karena mampu menguasai dua bahasa atau lebih dalam interaksinya. Dalam penggunaan bahasa ... -
Campur Kode dan Alih Kode pada ‘Catatan Najwa Bersama Maudy Ayunda’ dalam Kanal YouTube Nawja Shihab
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2022-07-21)Campur kode dan alih kode merupakan salah satu fenomena yang selalu terjadi di masyarakat bilingualisme dan multilingualisme. Sebagai negara dengan jumlah bahasa terbanyak di dunia, Indonesia merupakan negara dengan penduduk ... -
A Case Study on Advanced Writing Strategies through Writing Process in Academic Writing
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2023-02-17)In the university level, academic writing is one of the subjects that must be mastered by the students in English Education Department. However, many students insist that they have not yet developed a comfort level with ... -
Cerminan Realitas Sosial Objektif dalam novel Pulang Karya Leila, S Chudori
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2021-06-09)Realitas sosial sendiri dapat dikatakan dengan suatu peristiwa yang dapat ditemukan dalam kehidupan masyarakat di dunia nyata atau tidak dibuat-buat hanya sekedar khayalan atau permainan belaka. Realitas sosial memiliki ... -
Certificate Reviewer International Journal of Learning Teaching and Education Research
(International Journal of Learning Teaching and Education Research (IJLTER), 2022-02-01) -
Certified Teacher is not enough as a Professional Teacher: Between Theory and Practice
(Bright: A Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature, 2018)Teachers play important role in education. As the agent of education, teachers do not simply deliver the knowledge to students. Teachers are those who conduct the learning in the classroom. In developing national education, ... -
Challenges and Strategies in Online Learning Process During Covid-19 Pandemic : The Students’ Voices
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2021-12-06)The purpose of this study was to find out students' opinions about the challenges they face in the online learning process during Covid-19, as well as to find out what strategies students use in overcoming the challenges ... -
The Challenges Faced by English Teachers in Online and Offline Teaching English at SMP Negeri 6 Singosari
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2023-07-15)English teachers play important role in enhancing students’ English knowledge; however, English teacher in Indonesia face challenges because it is still recognized as a foreign language. Teaching and learning activities ... -
Character Building in Lang Leav Poetry “Sea of Strangers”
(Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah (UNIMUDA) Sorong, 2021-05-06)This research aims at analyzing the character building of selected poetries in Lang Leav’s “Sea of Strangers”. In this research, a qualitative approach is used as the research design, and the data was analyzed using ... -
Characteristics of the Acquisition Strategy a Pragmatic Competence of Bilingualism Children’s
(European Journal of Social Sciences, 2016-06-02)The purpose of this study is to assess the acquisition strategy of pragmatic competence in Indonesian language of preschoolers. This study used a qualitative approach with a longitudinal study design.The instruments of ... -
Chemical Composition of Vermicompost Made from Organic Wastes through the Vermicomposting and Composting with the Addition of Fish Meal and Egg Shells Flour
(Universitas Brawijaya, 2017-05-05)Chemical composition of compost is an important indicator that determines the quality of compost. This study compared the chemical composition of vermicompost resulting from the process of vermicomposting alone with ... -
Citra Laki-Laki Dalam Terjemahan Pararaton Oleh Ki J. Padmapuspita Dan Novel Ken Angrok Sang Brahmaputera Karya Damar Shashangka (Pendekatan Maskulinitas)
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2024-05-30)Era pada abad XII merupakan titik kejayaan kerjaan Nusantara. Salah satunya kerjaan Singhasari di Malang. Dari kisah yang telah tercatat bahwa tindakan daripada laki-laki yang banyak menjadi pemimpin dan terlibat dalam ... -
Citra Perempuan Tokoh Paijah dalam Naskah Drama Malam Jahanam Karya Motinggo Boesje: Kajian Feminisme
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2023-08-25)Dalam sebuah karya sastra tokoh merupakan unsur penting bagi pengarang dalam menyampaikan gagasan-gagasan, pesan-pesan yang terkandung serta sebagai media mencerminkan kehidupan masyarakat. Tokoh perempuan dalam sebuah ... -
Clouds Billing Manajemen Sistem Untuk Jasa Layanan Wifi dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi Web API (Application Programmable Interface)
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2022-01-19)Clouds Billing Manajemen Sistem merupakan sebuah sistem untuk mendukung sebuah penyedia jasa layanan internet agar lebih memudahkan user atau penyedia layanan dalam hal manajemen seperti mengelola pembayaran, pendaftaran ... -
Cognitive Problems of EFL Students in Writing Argumentative Essay
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2024-01-15)In the English Teacher Training and Education Study Program at the University of Islam Malang (UNISMA), every student must have and master writing skills. One of the writing skills that students must have is writing ... -
Collaborative Strategic Reading to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension on English Education Students at University of Islam Malang
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2020-07-22)Reading is a lifelong skill to be used both at school and throughout life.The strategy that can be used to improve reading comprehension is Collaborative strategic reading.Collaborative Strategic Reading is cooperative ... -
Collaborative Writing: What do EFL Students say?. Skripsi, English Education Department
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2020-07-09)Writing is an ability to compose or communicate intended implication, idea, and purposes to the reader by using a clear, coherent, and well-organized paper through the process of thinking, studying, developing organizing, ... -
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2022-11-20)Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah terkait dengan kondisi Desa Wisata Kertosari setelah pandemi yang eksistensinya masih terjaga meskipun sempat ditutup akibat dampak pandemi. Kunjungan wisatawan tercatat sebesar ...