Browsing Undergraduate Theses by Title
Now showing items 1143-1162 of 8164
Campur Kode dalam Interaksi Kelas di SD Negeri Jatimulyo 5 Malang
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2021-07-09)Saat ini, dilingkungan sekitar kita sebagian besar masyarakatnya tergolong dalam dwibahasawan. Seseorang dikatakan dwibahasawan karena mampu menguasai dua bahasa atau lebih dalam interaksinya. Dalam penggunaan bahasa ... -
Campur Kode dan Alih Kode pada ‘Catatan Najwa Bersama Maudy Ayunda’ dalam Kanal YouTube Nawja Shihab
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2022-07-21)Campur kode dan alih kode merupakan salah satu fenomena yang selalu terjadi di masyarakat bilingualisme dan multilingualisme. Sebagai negara dengan jumlah bahasa terbanyak di dunia, Indonesia merupakan negara dengan penduduk ... -
A Case Study on Advanced Writing Strategies through Writing Process in Academic Writing
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2023-02-17)In the university level, academic writing is one of the subjects that must be mastered by the students in English Education Department. However, many students insist that they have not yet developed a comfort level with ... -
Cerminan Realitas Sosial Objektif dalam novel Pulang Karya Leila, S Chudori
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2021-06-09)Realitas sosial sendiri dapat dikatakan dengan suatu peristiwa yang dapat ditemukan dalam kehidupan masyarakat di dunia nyata atau tidak dibuat-buat hanya sekedar khayalan atau permainan belaka. Realitas sosial memiliki ... -
Challenges and Strategies in Online Learning Process During Covid-19 Pandemic : The Students’ Voices
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2021-12-06)The purpose of this study was to find out students' opinions about the challenges they face in the online learning process during Covid-19, as well as to find out what strategies students use in overcoming the challenges ... -
The Challenges Faced by English Teachers in Online and Offline Teaching English at SMP Negeri 6 Singosari
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2023-07-15)English teachers play important role in enhancing students’ English knowledge; however, English teacher in Indonesia face challenges because it is still recognized as a foreign language. Teaching and learning activities ... -
Citra Perempuan Tokoh Paijah dalam Naskah Drama Malam Jahanam Karya Motinggo Boesje: Kajian Feminisme
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2023-08-25)Dalam sebuah karya sastra tokoh merupakan unsur penting bagi pengarang dalam menyampaikan gagasan-gagasan, pesan-pesan yang terkandung serta sebagai media mencerminkan kehidupan masyarakat. Tokoh perempuan dalam sebuah ... -
Clouds Billing Manajemen Sistem Untuk Jasa Layanan Wifi dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi Web API (Application Programmable Interface)
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2022-01-19)Clouds Billing Manajemen Sistem merupakan sebuah sistem untuk mendukung sebuah penyedia jasa layanan internet agar lebih memudahkan user atau penyedia layanan dalam hal manajemen seperti mengelola pembayaran, pendaftaran ... -
Cognitive Problems of EFL Students in Writing Argumentative Essay
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2024-01-15)In the English Teacher Training and Education Study Program at the University of Islam Malang (UNISMA), every student must have and master writing skills. One of the writing skills that students must have is writing ... -
Collaborative Strategic Reading to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension on English Education Students at University of Islam Malang
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2020-07-22)Reading is a lifelong skill to be used both at school and throughout life.The strategy that can be used to improve reading comprehension is Collaborative strategic reading.Collaborative Strategic Reading is cooperative ... -
Collaborative Writing: What do EFL Students say?. Skripsi, English Education Department
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2020-07-09)Writing is an ability to compose or communicate intended implication, idea, and purposes to the reader by using a clear, coherent, and well-organized paper through the process of thinking, studying, developing organizing, ... -
A Comparative Study Between Extrovert And Introvert Students on Their Speaking Skill In the Eleventh Grade at SMKN KABUH
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2021-07-07)Speaking is an interaction process that involves process of giving and receiving information. Many aspects also can impact speaking skill one of them is human personality. There are two type of human personality. They are ... -
Comparative Study of Learning Styles Between High And Low Achievers in English Listening Skill
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2021-01-16)The major objective of this study was to investigate the learning styles used by the students with high achievement and low achievement in listening skill. This study also sought to reveal whether there was any significant ... -
A Comparative Study of Two Ways Translation From English to Indonesian and Indonesian to English at FLDI Nurul Jadid Islamic Institute
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2022-08-11)By aiming for natural equivalence, translation is the process of conveying the meaning and style of the source language into the target language. To translate the text perfectly, a translator needs two ways of translation ... -
Comparative Study on The Speech Anxiety Levels and Their Performance Between Basic and Intermediate Students at Qur’an Village
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2023-11-15)Speaking is an important productive skill to master. Its role is critical for effective communication. According to Bygart (Al-Roud, 2016), speaking ability is the ability to share thoughts and ideas, reasoning, and emotions ... -
A Comparison of English Learning Strategies Used by Law and Engineering Students In English For Specific Puposes (ESP) Context
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2023-07-15)Over past few years, students’ interest in learning English has increased. Along with the development of technology, people are required to learn English to compete with other people in this increasingly sophisticated era. ... -
The Comparison of Metacognitive Reading Strategies Used by High Achiever and Low Achiever Students in EFL Context
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2022-10-26)As one of the receptive skills, reading is an important ability for students to master when learning English. It is important because reading skill is required for students to understand not only meaning but also the ideas ... -
The Comparison of Self-Confidence Between Male and Female in Learning English in SMA Islam Nusantara Malang
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2024-03-09)Learning English is crucial in today's globalized world as it serves as a means of communication between people from diverse linguistic backgrounds. However, there exists a disparity in English language proficiency among ... -
The Comparison of the Reading Achievement between Reading on Screen and Printed Text Towards the First Year English Department Students
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2020-07-21)The purpose of this study was to compare the students’ reading achievement between reading on screen and printed text towards the first year English Department students of University of Islam Malang. This study used ... -
The Comparison Study of EFL Pre-Service Teachers Self-Efficacy between Pre-Teaching Practice and Post-Teaching Practice
(Universitas Islam Malang, 2021-12-24)Self-efficacy is considered as one of the influential factor to help gaining the educators confidence during their teaching. Self-efficacy has four main sources named Enactive Mastery, Vicarious Experience, Verbal Persuasion, ...