Developing Supplementary Interactive Media to Improve Students Reading Comprehension Skill of Recount;Historical Text in Tumbuh Kembang Senior High School Candipuro Lumajang

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Show simple item record Zanah, Rifqo Insyiani 2021-12-21T02:13:09Z 2021-12-21T02:13:09Z 2021-07-12
dc.description.abstract Key Words: Interactive Media, Recount Text, Reading Skill. Interactive media is now has become one of the essential instruments in the process of teaching and learning. Interactive media also called as learning media is all physical things that has a function to delivers materials such as books, videos, etc (Briggs, 1997). With the growth of the technology, this study is aimed to develop a supplementary media in the form of interactive media that can help students in improving their reading comprehension skill. The purpose of this study is to make the students comprehend Recount:Historical text better and produce a guideline to help the students using the media. This research adapts two models of research and development from Latief (2017) and ADDIE by Taylor (2004). They are analysis, designing, development, evaluation, revision, and try-out. The final product will be in the form of interactive media that can be played in android devices and PC/laptop. The media was the result of need analysis conducted by the researcher herself. After getting the data and information, it was followed by compiling materials and designing the product. The next step was developing the first draft. After that, the media was assesed by the expert using a questionnaire and tried out to the students. The questioonaire and the Try-Out the analysed using SPSS. The result of the questionnaires by the expert for the media was 94% with some revision. Meanwhile, the result of the result of the try out of students’ reading comprehension before and after using the interactive media is, t=18.872 with significance value (sig.) 0,00 (p<0,05). From this data, it can be concluded that there is significance difference in students’ reading comprehension, before and after they use the interactive media. The above explanation strengthens that the interactive media give a positive attribute in the process of learning. The positive aattribute can be seen from the significance difference of the students when they learn recount text using the media. The researcher wished that the media can give benefits to the teachers and students. Furthermore, the researcher wish that this study can help other researchers in making better media to improve students reading or writing of recount text.   en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Malang en_US
dc.subject English Language Education en_US
dc.subject Interactive Media en_US
dc.subject Recount Text en_US
dc.subject Reading Skill en_US
dc.title Developing Supplementary Interactive Media to Improve Students Reading Comprehension Skill of Recount;Historical Text in Tumbuh Kembang Senior High School Candipuro Lumajang en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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