The Effectiveness Of Using Series Picture On The Students’ Ability In Writing Narrative Text At Eight Grade Of Mts NU Pasuruan
Picture is a visual thing that can be seen by the students to stimulate their understanding of English. Series Picture is one of several ways on the kinds to stimulate the students to learn English well and make easier to understand. Through using series picture, the student is easy to understand the material that given by the teacher. Here the researcher treated the students by using series picture on narrative text. The aim of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of using series picture on narrative text and the students’ achievement on writing narrative text before and after being taught by series picture. In conducting writing English, the students often feel bored and lazy to learn English. Beside that, the students’ vocabulary and grammatical construct to build the idea of the students also limited. It was also happened in MTs NU Pasuruan that they are not confident to write in English and still confused the idea when they are asked to write what they are thinking about of the narrative text. So that, the researcher stimulated the students to write the text on English.
The design of this research was experimental research with types of Pre- Experimental research. The researcher focused on one class, that was VIII A and total sample of the study are 38 students. The researcher conducted pre-test, treatment, and post- test. The finding of this research was told that the significant level of 0.000 is lower than level of significant (α) 0.05. The group statistic show the mean pre-test was 60.75 and the mean post-test was 80.78. In addition, the main difference between mean of pre- test and post-test was 20.028. Meanwhile, the degree of freedom (df) was 35, and the tcritical using the degree of significant is 0.05 was 2.042 and the tobesreved was 11.495. The result of comparison between tobserved and ttable is 11.495>2,042 = tobserved >ttable. So, there
was significant effect on the students’ writing achievement in narrative text by using picture series.
Based on the result above, it can be concluded that the picture series significantly effect for students’ writing achievement, especially in narrative text. The students enjoyed to write, make students active, and developed students’ imagination based on the picture series which colorful. For the suggested for the teacher is use suitable lesson and give more knowledge about grammar and vocabulary; for future researcher is practicing write English and take more time to do research; and for the students this media were able to be used in every lesson and enjoyable, also paying attention to others.
Key Words: Writing Ability, Series Picture, And Narrative Text