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dc.description.abstractFamily in Balun Turi Lamongan has significant role in the construction of tolerant attitudes. Children living in interreligious family has being identified for possessing the higher tolerance than who those are living in mono religious family. Variety of children’s tolerant attitudes are results of long education in their family. Therefore, education in interreligious family has played great roles in constructing the tolerant attitudes to the children of Balun. Referring to this, the researcher is really interested to study Islamic Multicultural Education in interreligious family in the construction of Children’s tolerant attitudes in Balun. Three main questions in this research are (1) how to externalize the tolerant attitudes towards the children in interreligious family in the context of Islamic Multicultural Education?, (ii) how to objectivize the tolerant attitudes towards the children in interreligious family in the context of Islamic Multicultural Education?, and (3) how to internalize the tolerant attitudes towards the children in interreligious family in the context of Islamic Multicultural Education?, The goals of this research are (1) to describe the externalization of tolerant attitudes of the children in interreligious family through Islamic Multicultural Education till accepted in the middle of life of Balun society, (2) to elaborate and explain the objectivity of tolerant attitudes of the children in interreligious family through Islamic Multicultural Education till growing and be model in the middle of life of Balun society, and (3) to analyze the internalization of tolerant attitudes growing in the middle of life of Balun society. This research used qualitative approach, post-positivistic paradigm, phenomenological design, transcendental empirical, and case study model. Sources of data in this research are primary, secondary and complement; emic and etic data. To collect the data, the researcher used (i) participant observation, (ii) deep interview, and (iii) documentation. The researcher used Spreadly model to analyze the data including: (a) domain analyses, (b) taxonomy analyses, (c) component analyses, and (d) thematic analyses. The results of this research showed that individuals including the parents of the children in Balun unintentionally used Lev Vygotsky’s constructionism approach and Berger and Luckmann’ social construction to construct the tolerant attitudes to the children. Every process of the construction has been mirrored in three dialectical moments such as (i) externalization, (ii) objectivity, and (iii) internalization. This research also found that zone of proximal development, inner speech, socio-culture, [x] scaffolding, language and thought involved in every dialectical moment. Within the externalization, the parents of interreligious family tried to suit their lives in Balun’s social reality. The main purpose of education in the interreligious family is to internalize good moral and attitude to the children. To embody the purpose of such education, the parents in the interreligious family used exemplary, dialogue, narrative, and suggestive methods. In the objectivity, the parents in the interreligious family tried to institutionalize the tolerant attitudes into their life, then making them be habit in parts of their lives. To make the tolerant attitudes habit in their lives, the parent used language or socio-cultural symbols, then getting any legitimation for the making of objective of the social realities. In the objectivity, the parents used habit, exemplary model, narrative, suggestive methods. While in the moment of internalization, the parents in the interreligious family formed and had values of the social reality (tolerant attitudes) back into their consciousness, then giving subjective new interpretations or argumentations based on their experiences and positions in Balun’s society. Within internalization, the parents used internalization and comparative methods in the construction of tolerant attitudes toward the children.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectResearch Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGIONen_US
dc.subjectResearch Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Religion/Theologyen_US
dc.subjectSikap Toleransien_US
dc.titlePendidikan Islam Multikultural dalam Keluarga Multiagama (Studi Konstruksi Sikap Toleransi pada Anak di Balun Turi Lamongan)en_US

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