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dc.contributor.authorUmam, Moh. Rizal
dc.description.abstractMany youths, especially students are very familiar with the ease of using technology in today's era but not many of them understand that watching pornography will cause brain dysfunction or disturbances in brain function and this has an impact on the achievement of the language they are learning and not a few of them can control it. In this case the role of parents is needed for children in mentoring and to control children's activities related to the use of technology so that children can understand what they should access or not. Many parents forget or neglect to pay attention to children's activities when they are not under supervision, but there are also parents who always take the initiative to accompany and control children's activities in terms of using technology by blocking or locking sites that they should not access. pornography sites, this is very influential on children both in self-control, character formation, moral education, and even their behavior. Knowing the differences between individuals in the language achievement process will have implications for early detection of language learning difficulties and problems as well as determining the right method to maximize language achievement. Differences between individuals are found in many factors such as intelligence, talent, cognitive model, personality, auditory memory, readiness to learn, emotions, interests etc. The results of the research on the intensity of accessing pornography on the achievement of learning English in one of the junior high schools in Pamekasan showed that the value of the two variables, namely the intensity variable of accessing pornography with an average of 87.97 and the variable of learning achievement in English with an average of 84.38 is in the high category, which uses an assessment with a scale of 1-100. This can be explained that the high intensity of accessing pornography has no effect on learning achievement. This is because the institution implements a religious program which includes students who are required to attend congregational prayers at the mosque, students are given 10 minutes to read the Qur'an before entering the first lesson. While in the previous study that we used as a reference, the institution under study did not apply religion, either praying in congregation or reading the Koran 10 minutes before starting the lesson, and this can also have an impact on the results of the study. Nothing is perfect, as well as in this study, of course, it has certain limitations even though the researcher has carried out research in earnest and in accordance with procedures and based on conditions in the field. As for the limitations of this study, so that later for researchers who want to research similar research, they can anticipate these limitations and can-do better research and develop it, the limitations of the research place, this research was only conducted in one junior high school in Pamekasan. Therefore, the results of this study apply only to related institutions and do not apply to students from other schools and it is hoped that further researchers will conduct research in several schools so that they can be compared and also get more information related to this research.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectAccessing pornographyen_US
dc.subjectLanguage achievementen_US
dc.titleHow the Intensity of Accessing Pornography Contributes to Weak English Students’ Language Achievementen_US

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