Students’ Activeness in Organization and Students’ Achievement: Students’ Perceptions and Experiences
This research presents the student's perspective on their activeness in organization on their academic achievement, and what are the problem and solutions of students who are actively in organization in achieving their academic achievements based on experience. A lot of bad stigma is given to students who join intra and extra campus organizations. Students who are active and spend a lot of time in organizations are considered to be neglecting their studies and not thinking about their achievement. Even though many students are active in organizations and also able to participate in their studies.
The design of this research is descriptive qualitative design. The participants of this research are three students' majoring in English education department semester 7. To find out the student's perspective on their activeness in organization on their academic achievement and to find out the problem and solutions of students who are actively in organization in achieving their academic achievements based on experience.
The findings of this study showed the students’ perceptions of activeness in organizations on their academic achievement, what problems are encountered and what are the solutions based on experience. Dominant students answer the same things. by joining organizations students' get many benefits such as training soft skills, getting broad relationships, training self-confidence, and even increasing academic achievement. besides that, the students' also said that there were some problems when joined the organization, but that did not affect academic achievement because the students' had their own way of dealing with them.
Keywords: Students’ Achievement, Organization, Perspective, Experiences