dc.description.abstract | Globalization affects rapidly changing dimensions in every sector of human
life, including in the education institution. Teachers in many schools around the
world are now altering their conventional teaching method to the new emerging
technology-enhanced teaching by utilizing online learning media effectively to
support their students’ learning engagement. This has brought to the realization that
education is nowadays cannot be separated from technology.
In this study, researchers focused on the use of online platforms in working
on and collecting assignments in writing subjects, because writing skills are
different from other skills in the process of learning English. Writing is the skill of
expressing ideas through writing and text. Writing can help us to retain our ideas
after we have read the information. Writing is academic writing, especially an easy
skill. The most important thing is if we can share our thoughts, our ideas, and what
we want in the form of a piece of paper, we also better remember what we think,
and what we want in words because we have written the idea.
In this research, there are two research focuses. They are how use wizer.me in
doing class assignments on descriptive text material for student senior high school
in Al-Djufri Blumbungan Pamekasan?, and what are the advantage and
disadvantage from the wizer.me in doing class assignments on descriptive text
material for student senior high school in Al-Djufri Blumbungan Pamekasan?
This research was qualitative research and used descriptive research. The
location of this research was at MA Al-Djufri Blumbungan Pamekasan. The reason
why the researcher choose this location because the researcher know from the observation that in this place here have activities unique as like reciting Al-Quran
before start is the study. The researcher here uses three procedure in collecting the
data they are: observation, interviews, and documents to collect the data in the
location, this school does not use audio-visual materials in the learning process so
that researchers do not include audio-visual materials procedures. Data analysis it
can be inferred that data analysis is the process of analyzing the data to make the
data meaningful to help the researcher answer the research focuses. In the data
validity using adapt instrument because adapting an instrument requires more
substantial changes than adopting an instrument
The research findings of the use Wizer.Me, according to what had been
explained by the teacher in the interview. The researcher found the information that
was delivered by the teacher. The teacher used wizer.me platform on the descriptive
text to attract the student’s attention to learn writing. The teacher also explained
that to improve the students’ listening skills, the teacher needs more interesting and
attractive media to get the students’ attention. The teacher also added that the
attractive and interesting media would make it easier to deliver the material to the
students because she got the students’ attention. The material used by the teacher
does not make students experience difficulties. Because the teacher provides
material using simple sentences in the teaching and learning process. Then the
teacher provides some material according to students' abilities, for example: in
class, the teacher does not use Indonesian but is trained to use English both in
writing and other skills. Also, the teachers using some of the materials did not use
full English in the teaching and learning process because they did not practice.
"According to Mrs. Siti Ruaida as an English teacher had some reasons for
that, stated, “besides from the book they could apply many sources from order to
reduce students' boredom in class during teaching and learning internet to students
the search for the material that was leaned,” for example, the student can access
from e-ducasi.net and students can also access the website in the form of a Wizer
for sharing or other activities because in Wizer we have our group account
specifically for English lessons” | en_US |