Improving Reading Comprehension Through Reading Comic at Eight Grade of MTS Bahrul Maghfiroh
The preliminary study aims to investigate the potential impact of reading comics on the reading comprehension skills of eighth-grade students at MTs Bahrul Maghfiroh Malang. English language teacher reported challenges in improving reading comprehension among students. This study aims to use comic media as an alternative media to enrich students’ reading comprehension. To improve learning outcome, the researcher used Naruto comic media as teaching material by considering the moral and characters values in the comics such as leadership learning and overcoming limitations.
This study is supposed to provide valuable insights and recommendations for educators on the use of comics as an instructional tool to enhance reading comprehension among eighth-grade students. The author uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) for this study. CAR is used to find out and solve the students’ problems in a classroom. Each cycle includes planning, implementing action, observing, and reflecting. There are twelve students out of twenty five (48%) who reached the KKM of the total twenty five students before using comic as learning media in class eight-grade A of MTs Bahrul Maghfiroh Malang.
After carrying out the English learning cycle using comic media, the overall average student score increased by 83% and the number of students who reach the KKM increased from twelve students to twenty-two students. This research is considered successful because 88% of the total number of students reach the KKM score. Tthis score is adapted to KKM of MTs Bahrul Maghfiroh for English classes, while the KKM is 70 for each student and 80% of total students reach KKM score. Thus, this research is succesfull with one cycle.
Based on the results of the study, the researcher provides several suggestions. First, this learning media can be used by teachers as an alternative learning media. Second, it is hoped that the results of this study can be a reference for teaching materials in teaching when the researcher becomes a teacher later and make it a reference to use other media for learning. Last, for other researchers who want to conduct the same research, it is recommended to conduct this research with different subjects and schools especially in schools that consist of male and female students in order to obtain better research results and be useful as information material for education.
Keywords: Comic, Reading Comprehension.