The Correlation Between Reading Comprehension and Speaking Skill of Eight Grade At SMP Islam Ma’arif 02 Malang
Reading, in essence, is the ability to comprehend the meanings conveyed by words and sentences within a text. Reading can enhance speaking English because reading contains vocabulary. Mastering reading comprehension is a vital skill that students must acquire. To create meaning, it entails combining information from a passage with previously learned material. Speaking is categorized as a skill that involves productivity, encompassing more than the simple act of uttering words or sounds, it's a way of communicating with others and expressing how they feel.
This study employes was a quantitative research design. This study focused on students from SMP Islam Ma’arif 02 Malang, specifically targeting class eight C, comprising 32 students per class. The overall population included 15 female students and 17 male students. The researcher utilized a test to gather research data, employing two distinct types of tests to assess students reading comprehension and speaking skills. The researcher administered a reading test, which comprised 14 multiple-choice questions. The researcher called each student, and the researcher asked each student to come forward to retell the text in their own language and the speaking score is taken by 3 people.
For the data analysis, SPSS 16's Pearson product-moment formula was employed. Speaking abilities and reading comprehension have a correlation coefficient (r) 0.142 with a 0.439 p-value. The correlation coefficient (r) is 0.142, falling within the 0.00-0.20 range, indicating a very low correlation. Additionally, the p-value is 0.439, surpassing the 0.05 threshold, there is no significant correlation between reading comprehension and speaking skills.
Teachers have the ability to instruct students in reading comprehension and speaking skills using a positive approach, by attracting students' attention to learn more about reading comprehension and speaking skills.
Keywords: reading, reading comprehension, speaking skills