LP - Faculty of Law: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 42
Perlindungan Hukum bagi Pengemudi Transportasi Akibat Pembatalan Sepihak oleh Konsumen
(Universitas Mataram, 2021-03-31)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji tentang perlindungan hukum bagi pengemudi transportasi akibat pembatalan sepihak oleh konsumen karena dalam praktiknya kegiatan pesan memesan makanan lewat ojek online ini ... -
Desain Penguatan Kualitas Politik Dinasti dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah
(Universitas Tulang Bawang Lampung, 2021-03-18)Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguraikan faktor dan implikasi dari menjamurnya politik dinasti serta menemukan desain untuk membuat politik dinasti yang tidak bertentangan dengan semangat demokrasi lokal di Indonesia. ... -
Harmonisasi Negara dan Pancasila dalam Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19
(Universitas Mataram, 2021-03)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis harmonisasi negara dan Pancasila dalam menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif atau penelitian hukum doktrinal. ... -
Flood Mitigation in Malang City: The Perspective of Health Policy
(Journal of Global Pharma Technology, 2020)The high intensity of rainfall in Indonesia causes some cities to experience flood, including Malang City. Malang is a mountainous city which is located on highlands, between 444 to 667 meters above sea level. Ironically, ... -
The Implementation of Honesty Principles in Therapeutic Agreements based on the Health Law Perspective in Indonesia
(Medico Publication, 2020-10-29)Covid-19 is a virus that has become an epidemic in almost all countries, including Indonesia. One of the reasons for the massive spread of Covid-19 is the patient’s dishonesty in providing information related to their ... -
Equality of Suffrage for People with Mental Disorders in Malang City
(Medico Publication, 2020-12-31)Constitutional Court of Indonesia in 2015 established Constitutional Court’s Decision Number 135 / PUU XIII / 2015 that revoked the provisions of Article 57 paragraph 3 letter a of Indonesian Law Number 8 of 2015 concerning ... -
Equality of The Political Rights of People with Mental Disorders (PWMD) in General Elections
(Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 2019-01)The Constitutional Court in 2015 ruled MK Decision No.135/PUU-XIII/2015 which revoked the provisions of Article 57 paragraph(3) letter a of Law No.8-2015 concerning Amendments to Law No.1 Regarding the Establishment of a ... -
The Effect of Global Technology Towards Progressiveness of Criminal Acts on Narcotics Carried Out by Children
(IISTE, 2019-11-30)The development of global technology does not only give many advantages for the advancement of people and nation but also shortcomings such as the progressiveness of the violation towards juridical norms. One of the ... -
Comparison of The Regulations on Recidivist Juveniles in Indonesia, Norway, and Thailand
(Legal Standing Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 2019-09)As the future leaders of the nation, children must obtain protection from all sides. This protection is also needed when children become recidivists. The Indonesian Criminal Code states that for recidivists, the ... -
Upaya Pembangunan Pendidikan Politik Melalui Pemilihan bagi Masyarakat Papua (Studi Penerapan Penggunaan Noken dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah)
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, 2020-10-31)Penelitian ini membahas tentang pemilihan Presiden, Legislatif, khususnya pemilihan Kepala Daerah di Papua menggunakan sistem noken. Selanjutnya terkait bentuk pendidikan politik melalui noken bagi masyarakat Papua. ... -
Faith in God, Independence of Law and Independence of Judges (Study of Theistic Legal Realism in Legal Settlement)
(Justicia Islamica, 2018-12)The condition that law and legal apparatus in all levels including judges, are imprisoned in fatal positivism. This understanding reduces the law only as mere deterministic, mechanistic and esoteric laws and regulations. ... -
Opportunities for the Formation of the Moot Administrative Courts from A SWOT Analysis Perspective
(Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology, 2020-11-28)Various alternatives to reduce the number of State Administrative Disputes that must be tried by the State Administrative Court and the High State Administrative Court have been carried out. Among the alternatives ... -
Obligatory Wills for Adopted Children, Children of Unmarried Couples, and Children of Different Religion
(Al-Risalah (Forum Kajian Hukum dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan), 2018-12)In the perspective of Islamic law, the realization of obligatory wills is along with Islamic insight as a religion which focuses on realizing such realization from the principal of justice and a form of love among human ... -
Community Empowering in Access Reform Activity Implementation as a Part of Agrarian Reform Program
(IISTE, 2018)Agrarian reform is aimed to reform the structure of land authority to increase farmer income and be the basic of economic development implementation leading to fair and prosperous community regarding to Pancasila. The ... -
Juridical Analysis on Stock Ownership Transfer Mechanism in Scripless Stock Trading System in Stock Exchange
(IISTE, 2018)The advanced scripless stock trading system in stock exchange relates to the principle of law property as it is stated in book II and principles of obligation law in book III of Civil Code. In the Civil Code, it is stated ... -
Dispute Resolution Option on the Result of the Simultaneous Regional Head Election Without the Enactment of Vote Difference Threshold
(Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, 2018)Enactment of the vote difference threshold as a requirement to file a dispute over the result of a simultaneous election of regional head to the judiciary has had implications for the dispute resolution process which is ... -
Position of Principle of Propriety in the Use of Discretion in Government Actions
(Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, 2018)One characteristic of the ‘welfare state’ concept is the government’s obligation to seek public welfare or bestuurszorg. If the state’s obligation, or in this case the government in promoting public welfare, is a feature ... -
Implication of the Vote-Difference Threshold in Settlement of Disputes on Results of Election of Regional Heads on Legal Protection Principle
(Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, 2018)Legal protection is an effort to protect, safeguard and fortify the rights of citizens to avoid being violated or harmed, the effort of legal protection is built based on human rights and repressive protection. The realization ... -
The Establishment of Special Judicature for the Local Government Election Result Dispute
(Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, 2020-03)The election of the local government is conducted democratically and it creates many chaos. The resolution of the election disputes is carried out in Supreme Court from the Local Government. One of the democracy forms ... -
Urgensi Pemisahan Kewenangan Mengadili Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Umum Serentak
(Universitas Brawijaya, 2020-04-04)Terdapat permasalahan dalam penyelenggaraan pemilihan antara pemilihan Presiden/wakil Presiden yang tidak lagi digelar terpisah. Implikasi teknis berkaitan dengan kemampuan MK dalam mengadili perselisihan pemilu ...