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dc.contributor.authorToha, M.
dc.description.abstractIn the current era, the education system in Indonesia, particularly the applicable curriculum, has undergone numerous changes over time, from the elementary school level to higher education. The Ministry of Education's current system is the "Merdeka Curriculum," which emphasizes flexibility and freedom in learning activities, tailored to the needs of students. This curriculum also places more responsibility on students in the learning process rather than the teachers. This approach facilitates students' mastery of subjects, particularly English language learning. For students whose major is not English, mastering specific English skills, particularly speaking, becomes more accessible due to the curriculum's flexibility. Given this flexibility, the researcher conducted a study on the learning strategy known as Soliloquizing, where students are given the freedom to practice speaking English independently. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect or impact of using the Soliloquizing strategy on the speaking skills of non English major students. The study was conducted with a sample of 72 students (2 classes) out of a total population of 92 students, divided into 3 classes. The sample classes were designated into two groups: a control group and an experimental group. The researcher determined which class would be the control group and which would be the experimental group. The control group was taught English speaking using the public speaking method, while the experimental group was taught using the Soliloquizing strategy. Data collection in this research involved tests. The tests were divided into two parts: a pre-test conducted before the treatment in both subject groups to determine the initial ability or covariate in the data analysis process. After the treatment was completed, a post-test was conducted to determine the achievement scores and as a requirement for data analysis. Once the data was collected, the researcher conducted an ANCOVA analysis using SPSS 26 to facilitate the evaluation of the impact of the Soliloquizing strategy on speaking skills. The statistical analysis results revealed a significance value (Sig) of 0.002 and a Partial Eta Squared value of 0.132. The significance value was less than 0.05, and the interpretation of the Partial Eta Squared value into Cohen's d effect size indicated a small effect size. This showed that there was a significant impact of the Soliloquizing strategy on the speaking skills of non English students. Based on the research findings, the following suggestions are made: Firstly, for English educators, the Soliloquizing strategy can be utilized to enhance students' speaking skills. Secondly, for future researchers, further studies on the Soliloquizing method could explore its impact on students' motivation, which could not be covered in this current researchen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectlearning strategyen_US
dc.subjectnon-English majoren_US
dc.titleThe Effect of Soliloquizing Strategy on Non-English Major Students’ English-Speaking Skill at a Private Islamic Higher Education Instituteen_US

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