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dc.contributor.authorKhatijah, Asnah Nurul
dc.description.abstractThe integration of technology in education has significantly transformed teaching and learning processes, especially in the realm of English language instruction. This study examines the use of, an educational technology platform, in enhancing English language learning at SMPI Al-Ma‘arif Singosari. Leveraging multimedia technology, facilitates interactive and personalized learning experiences, making language acquisition more engaging and effective. Despite its potential, the effectiveness and perceptions of such platforms can vary among students. This research aims to investigate the benefits, challenges, and student perceptions associated with The study employed a qualitative case study approach, involving in-depth interviews and observations of six junior high school students who were selected based on consideration of students‘ achievement levels and gender. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews and classroom observations, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of students' experiences. The interviews was done using the participants' national language (Bahasa Indonesia) to avoid misunderstandings and to expand the understanding of the phenomena investigated in this study, The data is analyzed using Creswell's (2017) framework, focusing on transcription, coding, and interpretation of interview data. The study found that enhances interactivity and engagement through features like interactive quizzes, multimedia integration, and direct feedback, which boost students' motivation and understanding of complex concepts. The platform supports independent learning and allows teachers to monitor progress in real-time. However, the research identified several challenges. Limited technological knowledge among students can hinder their ability to utilize full potential. The complexity of the platform's features can be confusing, especially for new users. Technical difficulties, such as unstable internet connections, also pose significant barriers. Furthermore, some students find the feedback process on was overwhelming. Despite these obstacles, Students generally perceive positively, citing it as a fun and engaging platform that prevents boredom and fatigue in studying. They appreciate its interactive features, which cater to various learning styles and promote independent learning. The study concludes that while offers substantial benefits for enhancing the learning process, addressing the identified challenges is crucial for maximizing its effectiveness.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectStudents’ perceptionen_US
dc.subjectEnglish learningen_US
dc.titleUnveiling Junior High School Students’ Perceptions towards Wizer.Me Platformen_US

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