Tindak Komunikasi Anak Autis Hambatan Komunikasi dalam Interaksi Sosial di SDN Sumbersari 1 Kota Malang
Research is carried out with the aim of being able to describe and explain forms of
communication that can be done by an autistic child, as well as the ability of an automatic child
conduct social interactions in State Elementary School Sumbersari 1 Malang City. Spesific
research purposes describe (1) the type of communication in the socisl interaction of autistic
children at the inclution school, (2) the function of communication in social interaction with
autistic children in inclusion schools, and (3) communication strategies in socisl interaction of
autistic children in inclusion schools.
This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. It is called
a case study because the researcher tries to study special cases based on the individual
characteristics of communication barriers. The stages carried out by the researcher, namely by
collecting data and analyzing existing data. The research subjects were students in grade 1 with a
type of autistic communication disorder. Collecting data using the method of observation,
interviews and documentation. The data obtained were then analyzed using qualitative data
analysis techniques. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques include transcription, data
identification, interpretation or interpretation, and conclusions of research results.
The results of research on autistic communication in social intractions in the State
Elementary School Sumbersari 1 Malang City, it can be concluded that the forms of
communication conducted by ABK are in the form of one way communication (speakers and
speakers) with directional, assertive, and expressive actions.
In using the act of communication ABK autism has a dictive function of asking, ordering,
and invitingact of certification has the function of notifying, and acting expressively have the
function of showing the feelling.
ABK autism uses a live story communication strategy that has a baseline (simple) when
ABK correspondence in communication verbal and nonverbal is still necessary guidance,
sometimes ABK can respond but the response given ABK is not in accordance with the topic of
Conclusion the research resultd are the act of site communication in social interactions
use one direction with different types and acts of of verbal (dictive, assertive, and expressive)
with a straight forward, nonverbal action strategy using body members movement physical
closeness (hand movements, touch, and facial expression).