Revitalization Of Smes’ Creative Businesses In Indonesia to Face Asean Economic Free Trade
This study is to address the behavior the practitioners of creative economy,
namely sellers of children snacks and food stalls, through revolving fund, giving mentoring in
expansion paths, and providing some alternatives of healthy food which is attractive in terms of
shape, color, and taste and providing training and mentoring to the food sellers so that they pay
more attention to the health aspect of food, while so far they only care about the profit. This
study is specifically directed to educate, train and guide entrepreneurs in performing
'intervention' of production and market management in order to achieve Intellectual Property
Rights (IPR) and halalan thoyibah testing. The analysis method used to answer the above
objectives is Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach and the strategy used is action
research. This research is able to provide guidance in conducting expansion path for the
practitioners of creative economy so that they will be tough and honest in doing their business,
and the products are safe for consumers, so it can support food security in order to face ASEAN
Free Trade.