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dc.contributor.authorMardiansyah, Muh Oji
dc.description.abstractThe village is part of a state administration at the lowest level below the subdistrict, the village is very easy to find because it is certainly in the subdistricts. Accountability is the obligation to give responsibility or answer and explain the performance and actions of a person . G. Whereas the conditions that occur in Wonoayu Village, in the accountability of ADD management, are: 1) preparation of planning, does not reflect the true needs of the village. 2) the implementation of the program is not in accordance with the initial planning. 3) supervision is still less thorough. 4) accountability reports are often prone to manipulation. so researchers are interested in researching in the village of Wonoayu. The formulation of the problem is how to manage village fund allocation accountability. how participation in village development and Musrembang des. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the accountability of managing village fund allocations, in the wonoayu village. Researchers use this type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The research location is in Wonoayu Village, while the research site is in the Wonoayu village government office. The technique of collecting data through observation, direct interviews and documentation. In his analysis the researchers used the theory of village fund allocation objectives (ADD) by Hanif nurcholis 2011, the source theory and magnitude of ADD by the Local Regulation of Malang District No. 18 of 2006 and the theory of village community participation by Theodroson. The focus of the research is to focus on village government accountability in managing village fund allocations, starting from the planning, implementation, supervision and accountability stages. The results of this study explain that the Wonoayu village government, in managing the allocation of village funds. has been going well starting from the planning, implementation, supervision and accountability stages. So that the management of the allocation of village funds, in the village of Wonoayu applies the principle of accountability wherein, there is transparency and accounta bility. To find out the participation of development and village development meetings in the village of Wonoayu, it is in accordance with what is expected by the village government. Starting from the musrembangdes invite all community leaders, women, village youth, and RT/RW representatives to attend, and provide proposals that will be mutually agreed upon. The conclusion that in the village of Wonoayu from the planning stage to community participation was quite good. For more enhanced advice on community participation and government apparatus resources there needs to be special training and guidance.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Malangen_US
dc.subjectPemerintah Desaen_US
dc.subjectAlokasi Dana Desaen_US
dc.subjectVillage Fund Allocationen_US
dc.subjectVillage Governmenten_US
dc.titleAkuntabilitas Pemerintah Desa dalam Pengelolaan Alokasi Dana Desa (Add) (Studi pada Desa Wonoayu, Kecamatan Wajak, Kabupaten Malang Anggaran Tahun 2016-2019)en_US

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