The Effect of Using Computer-Assisted Reading with Inquiry Based Learning on Reading Comprehension of Grade XII Students at MA Nurul Huda Sumenep
This study aims to determine whether there is a difference between students
who read using computer-assisted reading and those who do not. Students' reading
ability may depend on what they do every day. There are some students who
understand vocabulary better by listening than what is written. reading while listening
may be another way to overcome students' reading comprehension, There are some
students who will memorize vocabulary for a long time because the vocabulary is
often found in several sentences, and Some students will also easily memorize a lot of
vocabulary because of the use of online dictionaries.
With this, the researcher used lexical-tutor where there are audio-assisted
reading, concordance, and online dictionary. For the learning process, researchers use
inquiry based learning which focuses on student activity. For data collection, the
researcher gave a question sheet based on what had been studied previously. The
teaching materials are taken from the corpus in the lexical-tutor application
The research subjects were taken from student representatives based on their
English language skills.The type of experiment used quasi-experimental.for data
analysis, The collected data was then analyzed using SPSS. To find out whether there
is an effect on students' reading comprehension at grade XII students, the researcher
used a paired sample t-test, and an independent sample test to find out whether there
is a difference in student reading comprehension score using an inquiry-based
computer aid with those who do not use it.
Based on the results of the study which were then analyzed using paired
sample t-test, it was obtained a sig (2-tailed) value of ,072 >0.05, and the data
analyzed using the independent sample test resulted in 679> 0.05. It can be
concluded that there is no effect and no difference between reading using
computer-assisted reading with inquiry based learning and those who did not use.
When viewed from individual scores, the results of the study showed little
progress. The results of the researcher's monitoring show that not all students like
to read while listening to audio. With this research, I hope that future researchers
can review the learning process and the technology used. In addition, further
researchers can use this research in an offline class format.