Developing Powtoon as Interactive Media for Learning English, Thesis. English Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, University of Islam Malang.
Based on the results of pre-research, it is known that the learning media used are
pictures and based on books. Media which is only in the form of images, so in terms of material
the delivery is unclear, passive and difficult to understand. Meanwhile, what students need is
media that is more interesting, such as media that has pictures and sounds, media that has
material or an explanation of the contents of the material. This research and development aims
to determine the feasibility, attractiveness of the video and the effectiveness of the results of
Powtoon-based video development on English learning of various themes.
Furthermore, students need media that can convey varied and innovative material by
linking students' real lives, such as learning media in the form of Powtoon-based videos on
English learning. So that it can generate student learning motivation in learning English. This
research was conducted using the Research and Development (R&D) method using the ADDIE
development model procedure using the Four-D (4D) development model which has four
stages, namely Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate. Data collection techniques in this study
used material expert validation questionnaires, media expert validation and linguist validation
as well as the responses of educators and students.