The Correlation Between Students Listening to English Songs and Their Pronunciation Ability At SMAN 5 Malang Eleventh Grade Students
Pronunciation is an important language component in communication. It helps the listeners understand the words that the people speak. There are some students had good grammar skill but the pronunciation still lacking and had difficulty pronounce the words right. Listening is the important thing when learning pronunciation through song. The teacher can build students’ pronunciation through listening activities.
This research aimed to find out the correlation between students listening to English songs and their pronunciation ability. This research was conducted at eleventh-grade students of SMAN 5 Malang and the sample was 30 students. This research used the quantitative method. The sample was chosen by doing a simple random sampling technique. The procedure of the research involved two steps: administrating a questionnaire and a pronunciation test.
To analyze the data the researcher used SPSS version 25. The finding of this study indicated that the result of the total score of the questionnaire was 2.074 and the total students' pronunciation test score was 2.607. the score of sig (2-tailed = 0.168) > 0.05, the result means, there is no correlation between students listening to English songs and students’ pronunciation ability. While the score of Pearson Correlation was 0.258, it means the level of relationship between students listening to English songs and their Pronunciation ability is correlate in the low category.
Based on the finding of the study, it is addressed to the English teacher to motivate their students in learning English effectively. Teachers as educators need to increase student's English skills especially in their listening and also pronunciation abilities. So that the students' English pronunciation ability will be better.
Keywords: Correlation, Listening to English Songs, Pronunciation Ability