The Correlation Between Reading Strategies and Reading Achievement
Reading is a way of thinking process and learning. It gives a unique opportunity to explore ideas and acquire information. In achieving maximum results in reading, strategies are needed to support better results. Strategy is a general plan of action to achieve short, middle and long-term desired goals. Therefore, reading strategies are important to facilitate the reading process.
In this study, the researcher chose 20 students from B class of the sixth semester of English Education Department, in University of Islam Malang as the participants. The instrument of this study is used questionnaire from Fauzan (2014) and reading final score from reading lecturer. The data analyzed by using descriptive quantitative research and Pearson product moment coefficient correlation in SPSS ver.20 to find the correlation between reading strategies and students’ reading achievement.
The result of the study showed that the students active used reading strategies. It was proven by the mean of 86.20 from reding strategies and the students’ reading score with mean 82.70. From the finding the Pearson correlation is 0.454 it includes to moderate correlation with the p-value calculated 0.044 is smaller than 0.05 (p-value 0.044 > 0.05), it means that there is positive correlation between reading strategies and students’ reading achievement. From that, reading strategies can help students overcome difficulties in reading and improve their reading achievement.
In addition, this result of this study hopefully gives some useful information about reading strategies and the correlation to reading achievement. Hopefully, this study enriches the existing knowledge of the same topic. For teachers, hopefully can be used to minimize some difficulties in reading teaching or delivering reading material. For students, hopefully used to make it easier for them to draw conclusion, increase their reading ability and understanding in reading or studying. Also, as a strategy for students to make it easier to achieve maximum results in reading achievement. For future researcher can examine whether only reading strategies can improve students' reading achievement and the researchers may also investigate the effectiveness of using reading strategies.
Keywords: Correlation, Reading Strategies, Reading Achievement