The Impact of Video Animation on the Listening Ability of 9th Grade Students of MTS Ma’arif NU Kota Malang
Listening is an activity that is carried out by paying attention and trying to cacth the meaning of what have been listened. However, the students have some difficulties when learning listening such as quality of recorded material, cultural differences, accent, unfamiliar vocabulay, and also lenght and speed of listening. The use of video animation on the teaching English listening is the appropriate media to solve the problem and difficulties students in learning listening. Besides being effective, video animation also increase students interest in learning listening. Videos possess much potential to be used in teaching listening to improve the acquisition of listening skills (Ardiansyah, 2018). This shows that using video animation on the teaching listening is affected the students achievement.
This research is aimed to find whether or not learning English listening by using video animation had an impact on the students listening ability. This research took place at MTs Ma’arif NU Kota Malang with the analisys of pre-experimental design. This research focused on the impact of using video animation on the listening ability of 9th grade students of MTs Ma’arif NU Kota Malang with 10 students participant. The research instrument conducted through pre-test, treatment, and post-test. Technique of analysis data in this research calculating comparison using paired sample T-test in SPSS.
The result of this research presented that there is an positif impact of using video animation in listening. The scores are known from 10 students participant (N=10). The research of this study showed an sig. (2-tailed) value .001 lower than .05. it means that the null hypothesis (h0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (h1) is accepted. Based on the result above, the researcher stated that there is a significant difference between the result of learning English listening by using video animation on the pre-test and post-test of 9th grade students of MTs Ma’arif NU Kota Malang.
The conclusion of the research shows that the data is accepted and there is a significant difference between the result of learning listening using video animation on the pre-test and post-test on 9th grade students of MTs Ma’arif NU Kota Malang. It means video animation can improve students listening achievement. This research provides some suggestions for (1) English teacher that must improve students understanding and listening skills by providing adequate treatment by using appropriate media for example video animation; (2) students especially the students of Junior High School to improve their listening achievement; (3)future researchers who want to conduct another research related to this theme can apply the video materials such as movies that are apropriate to the needs of students, and are expected to be able to make different instrument and methods. It would be better for further researchers to provide direct treatment to get maximum result.
Keywords: Listening, Video Animation, Listening Ability