The Correlation Between Reading Strategies and Reading Comprehension in the Third semester of English Department at University of Islam Malang
Reading is an active mental process intended to gain information and comprehend the message in the text. To read effectively, the reader must apply strategies that suit their reading needs. Many kinds of strategies affect how well the students comprehend the materials; in this study, the researcher focused on global reading strategies, problem-solving strategies, and support strategies. Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting a study about the correlation between reading strategies and reading comprehension.
This study used a quantitative approach, using questionnaires to measure reading strategies and reading comprehension tests to measure students' reading comprehension. The data for this research were collected from 45 students in the third semester of the English department at the University of Islam Malang. The data are analyzed using simple linear regression using SPSS 26 to measure the correlation between variables.
The result shows that there was a relationship between four variables: global reading strategies (GLOB), problem-solving strategies (PROB), support strategies (SUP), and reading comprehension, as the correlation had a significance of 0.000 and was lower than 0.05. The alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected. The r-coefficient obtained shown on the table was 0.885. it was classified as having a very high correlation because the r-coefficient was in the range 0.80–1.00.
Moreover, of the three variables analyzed, the highest correlation value between reading comprehension and problem-solving strategies (PROB) was 0.780, followed by global (GLOB) and support strategies (SUP) with the same r value of 0.737. It means that problem-solving strategies most influence students' reading comprehension. From the result, it showed that the more students used reading strategies in reading, the easier it was for them to understand the text.
Keywords: Reading Strategies, Correlation, Reading Comprehension